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Port Charles Update for Thursday, 26-Sep-2002

Author: suemcg32
Posting date: Thu, 26-Sep-2002 6:26:34 PM PST


The four were in the woods and determined that Marissa was sleepwalking. She did not remember kissing Ricky who was clearly obsessed with her. Jamal and Marissa had some cutsie moments and the two left the woods with Jack and went back to develop photos. They did find something in the pics which we will not know until tomorrow, of course. Meanwhile, Ricky fantasized about Marissa coming back to make out with him.

Livvie tries to distract Ian with a lie about pain from the pregnancy. Ian calls the paramedics and leaves when the get there, after reading an idea Rafe had about getting rid of the Avatar. Livvie tells the paramedics to leave and goes to spy on Ian.

Prior to that, Karen and Frank were fighting the Avatar. The Avatars shroud was strangling Frank. Ian got there and they thought it was too late but the shroud disappeared. Then Frank was revived and taking into account Rafes idea, Ian called Avatar into him. We then see Ian's shadow turn into Avatar. I think that is when he rejects the Avatar and the shroud ignites into flames, with Livvie clutching her belly. Funny how she isn't even showing yet. I figured it was at least 8 weeks by now. Maybe a little pop of the belly. She still fits into those tight jeans. Anyway...

Ali goes to see Lucy to fill her in on Livvie and what she did to Rafe. She is happy that Rafe's soul is saved and they both feel Livvie needs to pay for her crimes. Ali tells Lucy how she feels that the town is a battleground between good and evil and she feels she needs to leave Port Charles. Lucy tells her she supports her and that she knows she will be back. As they close their eyes to hug, there is a bright light that fades as they seperate. HMMMMM??? Previews of Rafes return??? He does have a three year contract! :)

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