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Port Charles Update for Wednesday, 18-Dec-2002

Author: olivia33762
Posting date: Thu, 19-Dec-2002 12:44:01 PM PST

Livvie tries to laugh off Rafe's theory that she's using Ricky to make "Stephen" jealous so she can get close enough to Caleb to drive another stake through his heart. Meanwhile, Caleb advises a horrified Elizabeth to accept the fact that she's left the land of the living behind and become a full-fledged vampire. After overhearing her husband's whispered conversation with the injured prostitute, Lucy shudders to realize that Ian was right about Kevin all along. Caleb explains to Elizabeth why he selected her to enjoy immortality and all the power that comes with having eternal life. Assuring his lover she will never need to feed on blood if she continues drinking the special elixir, Caleb tells Elizabeth how the water allows him to live among humans and pass as one of their own kind. Though Livvie insists she's not after "Stephen," Rafe guesses that she wants Caleb back because she's never gotten the bloodsucker out of her system. Lucy bitterly confronts Kevin with his lies but he claims he was merely trying to salvage their marriage by any means possible. Caleb's soft words of love work their magic on Elizabeth, who begins to fall once again for his line. Ricky swipes a bottle of "Stephen's" special water from the rehearsal hall and delivers it to Rafe.

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