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Port Charles Update for Monday, 10-Mar-2003

Author: PipZig00
Posting date: Mon, 10-Mar-2003 2:37:02 PM PST


Elizabeth goes to Caleb to tell him something very important. when she arrives however, she finds him making love to Tess.


Rafe and Alison join Ian, Lucy and Kevin at the spring. they can feel that there is something very powerful about the water. Alison attempts to touch it, but Rafe won't allow her to.


Elizabeth returns to her hotel room very upset over Caleb and Tess. she finds Joshua in her room. he knows that she attempted to share information with Caleb. Elizabeth assures Joshua that now she wants Caleb to pay to for he's done to her. they end up having sex.


Caleb and Tess ly on his couch and discuss him feeling like a human again. he wants to feel like a normal human being again. and with her he feels that anything is possible. they make love again. while they are in the middle of it, Caleb nearly bites her, but doesn't.


they return to Ian place where he annalizes the water from the spring. Ian realizes that this water is being used with the syrome Chris created a while back. that's what the water Caleb is drinking is. Rafe begins to wonder if maybe the water can heal a vampire.


Caleb awakens, and goes down to the pool and looks into it. it appears as though he knows he thinks the water can heal him.

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