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Port Charles Update for Tuesday, 15-Apr-2003

Author: PipZig00
Posting date: Wed, 16-Apr-2003 12:49:20 AM PST

Ian returned to the recovery room to find Frank, instead he found Kevin there. they exchange a few words. karen enters and realizes that Ian has concerns about Frank other then his Gambling debts. Kevin informs Karen that Ian is a vampire.

Frank goes to Lucy's place, Elizabeth is imediately alarmed by his pressence, she knows that there is something not right with him. Alison thinks she is overreacting. once Alison leaves the room, Lucy gives Elizabeth a note to give to Ian. Elizabeth imediately leaves to find Ian. after she leaves she discovers that Frank is a vampire, and he likes it. Alison re enters the room, Frank knocks out Lucy and reveals his fangs to Alison.

Livvie calls to Joshua, Caleb can hear her. Caleb tries to escape from his cell, but is unable to.
once Joshua responds to Livvie's call, he is stunned by the fact that she has teamed up with Rafe. Rafe gets her to leave the room. before Rafe can stake Joshua, Frank arrives with Aison, his fangs to her neck.

Ian and Elizabeth return to Lucy's only to find Lucy knocked out and Alison missing.

Livvie finds Joshua's dungeon where Caleb is being held captive, Caleb hears someone and calls to them. Livvie recognizes his voice and finds him. they are both surprised to see each other.

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