Daily Updates

Port Charles Update for Monday, 19-May-2003

Author: TammyR
Posting date: Mon, 19-May-2003 4:39:59 PM PST

PC begins the day, and the week, with Jamal and Casey kissing. Casey breaks the kiss, insisting that Jamal is trying to hit yet another brick wall. Jamal doesn’t give a damn about Casey and besides his list of friends is getting shorter and shorter. Casey manages to lead him by the hand anyway, in search for one of those elusive friends. Speaking of kissing, it must be the day for it because Jack and Reese also kiss a lot as they discuss Alison. Joshua interrupts the kiss-a-thon to announce he’s ticked at Jack. Frank has something to tell Joshua - Rafe, Livvie and Caleb are all missing.

Ian and Lucy and Rafe talk - they get to be the recent plot summarizers, lucky for them. Unlucky for you, I am not summarizing any recent plots - been there, done that, don’t know why I have to be taken back there again (but hey at least we were spared flashbacks.) Back at the Batcave, Livvie wants Caleb to make love to her. Now. Aly shoos them outside and Livvie exposes her deeply romantic soul by begging Caleb to “do it” within Aly’s hearing. I know I was touched. I was promised Kevin in the preview - haven’t I suffered enough? Where is he?

We’re at the hospital where the lady in black (also goes by Liz) is lurking. Lurking Liz. Karen walks into Kevin’s - there he is! - room and Kevin is in the process of checking himself out, against medical advice (what’s the old saying about a lawyer with himself as a client?) Kevin just knows if he runs into any trouble, Karen will help (I think that’s what he said, I was blinded by the sight of Kevin actually smiling.) Kevin searches his jacket for his needle, but alas it’s in the hands of Karen. The needle is none of Karen’s business, says Kevin but Karen knows why Kevin is leaving - to get more of the drug. Smart girl that.

Okay back to not-Kevin people. Joshua orders Frank to go and he obeys. Amanda pops in all lonely and looking for Joshua. Reese is rude to Amanda (gee wonder how long it will be until she calls her “Nana”?). Casey tries to pair up Jamal and Jack for a bonding session. We - and lucky Alison - get to hear more moaning between Caleb and Livvie. Caleb realizes that Livvie is trying to have sex as a way to prove a point. Caleb tells Livvie he loves her, but all Livvie hears is that she’s being ridiculous. They argue, Aly steps outside and doesn’t want to be blamed because Caleb won’t sleep with Livvie.

Oh where oh where is Kevin?

Jamal and Jack fight yet again. Reese’s laughter leads Amanda to ask about the brassy blonde bimbo. Joshua and Amanda discuss Aly’s memorial service. Jamal and Jack are both stunned when Amanda announces Joshua’s Amanda sanctioned plans to hold the memorial service. Lucy and Ian (who aren’t kissing - ha ha ha - gee I am so glad no Ian /Lucy fans will be reading this!) discuss what to do with the antidote. Rafe wants to save it as a bargaining chip. Livvie and Aly’s fight is driving Caleb crazy, and he leaves them so he can take control of - whatever.

I need Kevin -

Kevin! Kevin wants Karen to give him back his drug. Karen tested the drug, she knows it is mind altering. Kevin pooh-poohs the idea, heck it doesn’t even make him high. Karen - who should know - recognizes an addict when she sees one. Liz walks back and forth. Kevin watches her walk as he continues his discussion with Karen. Finally he barks at Liz, just come inside. Liz wants to know how Kevin is feeling after his accident, Kevin is all too happy to correct her - you stabbed me.

Ian and Lucy and Rafe cover the facts that Lucy is good, Ian is okay, and Rafe needs lots and lots of blood for Livvie. Lots. Jack and Jamal agree to team up to throw a memorial service for Alison. Rafe is way too busy trying to be elsewhere to listen to their plans. Aly and Livvie fight even more until finally Livvie threatens to bite Alison.
Ricky gets left behind by Casey and Reese, Joshua suggests to him that if he wants fame and fortune he might want to think about making an angel fall. Ricky realizes Joshua wants Ricky to sleep with Casey (the things you have to do to be famous.) Caleb grabs Joshua by the neck and this day is so over.


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