Daily Updates

Port Charles Update for Thursday, 22-May-2003

Author: Kathim
Posting date: Sat, 24-May-2003 8:51:58 PM PST

[Open with Back the Woods with Casey, Ricky, Reese and Jack]

While Scoob and Reese bellow for “Jamal,” Casey bellows a message into a cell for [presumably on to an answering device] for him to call her – and if he is home scarfing down a pizza she is going to be really mad!

Ricky explains to the others that they have called numerous places to find him but no – luck, be they all know how he disappears when he wants to blow off steam [Jamal is ironing?! He is going to miss all the best parts (and I use the term loosely) to today’s show]

Reese tells them it that it’s “a guy thing – they get all solemn and macho” when thy have a problem with something [male viewers of the show should not that your group has moved up from ‘idiotic and macho’ (yesterday) to solemn and macho today]

Casey [who knew that Alison was not actually dead, seems to accept these personal an aggregate theories of Jamal’s disappearance.

Ricky says that they can’t stay all In the Woods all night – but Jack and Casey argue that they must stay as Jamal was all freaked out and they can’t ‘leave him alone’ and Crikeys (!) look at the way he took out after Livvie …

Ricky points out that you can’t find a guy who doesn’t want to be found [Heck, I watch Gilligan and I’ll tell you sometimes you can’t find a guy (or 7) who want to be found!]

Jack says he is staying! Reese seconds it immediately, seeing her Big Chance. Casey tells Ricky ‘strike three’ [meaning she is going to stay, too, I guess] and Ricky reluctantly agrees that they will ALL stay, but his bet is that Jamal is out there watching them, laughing his ass off. [Or eating all the Jack snacks – wait, that’s the message that Casey left him…]

[But Jamal is NOT at home, unless ‘at home’ is now the correct term for a new Vampire in The Morgue]

Jamal gets out his body bag and stands – rubbing his neck and his two holes that weren’t there where last he knew. He looks around the morgue and the other DOAs and stops, confused by the door

[Cave Dwellers]

Caleb says that Rafe is admitting that he still wants to kill Caleb. Turns out the answer is ‘yes’ as [in Rafe’s mind] nothing has changed.

Alison steps in, and tries to remind them that Josh is their real enemy …

Caleb says he like THIS much better, not pretending that they are on the same side.

Rafe agrees, and adds that there will be no more trying to save Caleb’s sorry hide – and that he should have let him die when he had the chance [guess that helping keep Alison safe doesn’t gain any points with either Alison or Rafe in this cave]

Livvie points out that from her POV the men are at each other’s throats [more like Rafe is at Caleb’s chest area with a stake] because of Alison [now she is disavowing any culpability for the fighting! Maybe they all have ‘cave fever’ and need to get out more?]

Alison tells Livvie to shut up and that Livvie is not happy unless she is stirring things up [and WHO mentioned the Alison/Caleb kiss in the first place?]

Alison tells Rafe that Caleb was only kissing her to try and save her life – Rafe somehow can’t grasp that concept and she says it wasn’t like that [kissing, kissing] So, he wants to know exactly what is was like…

Livvie has had enough of it: “Hello!? Isn’t it obvious?”

Caleb: hey, that’s enough…

Livvie – go on – just look at me and Rafe – we started out on opposite sides and ended up in bed together! I think there is a strange sexy line between love and hate [delivery on this line is perfect]

Alison: that is very different and you …..

Livvie: [still has had enough] Oh! Come on! I am not stupid! I know something is going on here!

Caleb: Olivia!

Livvie: What!? I’ve been following you around like some lost puppy, while you have been following your instincts - - your human instincts! What? Does the whole ‘mortal thing’ suddenly turn you on, Caleb? So why don’t you just tell me the truth! Are you and Alison sleeping together? [KM rocks today!!]





[Back Into the Woods with Jamal]

Jamal has put on a hooded jacket and has it all zipped up and hood drawn tight around his head. As he walks through the bushes he muses that he knows that this is some kind of trick being played on him [but does NOT guess that it’s one of Josh’s tricks] or failing that it’s a bad dream and he will wake up and won’t be a vampire …

[At the he of his musings (and walk) he arrives at his conclusion and the place where Casey [and the sunshine bad? – no, it’s Ricky, Reese and Jack] are]

Jack explains that they have been out all night looking for him and wants to know where he has been.

Jamal says “you don’t want to know”

Jack says “try me”, Ricky adds that they know he was freaked out about the Alison memorial – Reese bluntly asks: “Where did you go, Jamal?”

Jamal tells them that he “just went for a stroll …. A little on the wild side” [bwa ha ha]

The hint is lost on the rest and Jack tells him that at least he is “OK”. Jamal retorts that he wonders that Jack cares – it doesn’t seem like Jack for him to care about Jamal! But then Jack has nothing to worry about – He and Josh and all their homies have everything taken care of this is the “Brave New port charles!

Jack tells Jamal to “chill out” [not realizing that it’s too late, he’s just left the Big Cooler at GH]

But Jamal will have none of it – he goes on about the “new” port charles: come for visit, and stay for an eternity [he’s watched an episode] “I like that for the new motto” he says.

Jack reiterates: “Chill out” [it worked so well the first time he told him]

Jamal [surprise] agrees [but it turns out to be sarcasm, which I have trouble recognizing, being as sweet and cherry as TammyR myself] he says he’ll just chill out and kick it there on the park bench and maybe everything will go back to normal, huh?! And then, maybe not.

Reese notes that he seems …[she doesn’t have to say it, Jack understands and says ] ‘yeah, I know’ Ricky doesn’t. He asks ‘what the h[eck] is going on here!?

Then [cheerful little earful herself] Casey steps in and tells Jamal to lighten up they are just trying to help him. He tells her that nobody can help – nobody can help him anymore!

[Cave Dwellers]

Caleb tells Livvie that he and Alison are NOT sleeping together. Alison thanks him for saying it. She then asks Rafe if he really thought that …..?

Rafe stutters out “of course not” [but he doesn’t look that sure to me, even though he adds] it’s just that he wouldn’t put it past him [points to Caleb] to try

C: [affronted] oh, sure! This is ridiculous.

Livvie: You know, this is isn’t one-sided here. [To Rafe] You don’t think Alison is capable of manipulating a man?

Alison: Are you kidding me? You’re talking about yourself [I’m rubber, you’re glue, everything you say bounces off of me and sticks to you! Nyah!]

[Livvie doesn’t dignify that with an answer]

Caleb: Look. Believe what you want, but here’s what happened: He then tells them [with little bits added by Alison] what happened and that he didn’t know what to do and he – “planted one on her”

[Cut to Livvie – NOT impressed with answer – I would not be, either]

Rafe laughs [not amused] and says ‘instead of putting your hand over her mouth, dragging her out of there or ABOUT A DOZEN OTHER ALTERNATIVES I could think of, you decide to KISS HER!?!’

Livvie: For once, I finally agree with you, Rafe.

Caleb: Hey! Would you rather have her be dead?

Livvie [gets vote in first]: YES!

Caleb asks Rafe if he feels the same way. [Rafe is visibly upset and … thinking… thinking [LOL]

Alison tells him that she needs to talk to him outside as this is getting nowhere [and she NEVER manipulates a man] he turns [still upset] and they exit the cave.

Livvie congratulates Caleb on how he and Alison kept their stories straight. Caleb asks: What is wrong with you?

Livvie: you know exactly what is wrong with …..

Caleb: no! I don’t – look at me – [he grabs her, turns her to him] I am fighting for US with everything that I have and it doesn’t seem to be enough!

Livvie [faintly] I’m sorry…

Caleb [uses his hold on her arm to jerk her close to him] do you really believe that I want Alison!? Do you believe that!?

Livvie [looking back into his eyes] no

Caleb [puts one hand to each side of her head] then what the h[eck] is this about?!

Livvie [tears forming] this - this is killing me.. It is killing me, not being able to give you what you need.

Caleb: You! You are what I need. You are all I ever needed!

Livvie: not the way I am now [KM and ME are just WONDERFUL]

Caleb: [eyes shining] Just the way you are sweetheart. The way you are is all I want.

Livvie: But I can’t make love to you – not the way you want – not unless - - - [strained] I could kill you

C: don’t you give up on me! I will find the antidote…

Livvie [breaks away from him] Caleb! There is no antidote!

Caleb: Rafe – Rafe is a liar – and even if he’s telling the truth – if I have to search the world – I will find a cure.

Livvie: and what if you can’t find it! ? Then you and I can’t be together- but you and Alison - - [choking up] you’re both mortal – you can be together forever!

C: Livvie, don’t say that!

Livvie: while I have to sit in the back and watch – for all eternity! [She turns away from him and

We turn to Alison and Rafe outside the cave [where strangely enough – while the other day, Alison had SUCH a hard time not listening to lovers whispering to each other, now the sounds from within and without are effectively blocked, I guess]

Alison and Rafe discuss the kiss, Alison calling it nothing while Rafe countering that it would not be nothing to Caleb. Alison is incredulous to think that Caleb could ever, ever be coming on to little her?

Rafe says: “You’re just too ….. Too trusting [I’m betting “Trusting” got substituted for “much of a dumb blonde”]

She promises Rafe that Caleb was NOT hitting on her and Rafe counters that she is wrong – that’s Caleb’s MO and he’s drawn Alison into defending him already! So it’s working.




[Back Into the Woods with Jamal (the new vampire) Casey, Jack Ricky and Reese.]

After more arguing and Jack and Jamal giving each other really dirty looks – Casey steps in to tell everyone to leave – everyone does, except Casey and Jamal.

Jamal tells Casey to go with the others and get as far away from him as she can. Casey [still not tapping into her ‘angel senses’] insists he tell her what happened to him – finally guessing that “they” got him, and that he is a vampire now.

[Rafe and Alison outside the cave]

Alison insists that Rafe is wrong, nothing is going on, but Rafe points out that even when Caleb was Stephen Clay he got to her – this is the same. Alison protests that Caleb saved her life. Rafe tells her that Caleb is “not her buddy”.

She tells Rafe that she can’t believe that he thinks she’s so stupid as to fall for someone like Caleb.

He says he didn’t say that – but she counters that he is implying it.

[ Is anyone as tired of this argument as moi? Sigh.]

She accuses him of forgetting who the real enemy is – he accuses her of forgetting who the real Caleb is. [Me? I’m forgetting why I tuned back in after my nice long break.]

Rafe says that even if Caleb walks like a man and talks like a man he is still a ruthless bloodsucker. [Kind of puts to shame the old “if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it must be ….” Doesn’t it?]

He then lists all the baaaaaad things Caleb has done. [Maybe he thought she was ironing and missed it all] She thanks him for the list, but says she hasn’t forgotten. [no ironed clothes for her] He ends by telling her if she ever thinks Caleb is trustworthy it will be the last mistake she’ll ever make…. [Foreshadowing? You decide]

[Meanwhile, bat in the “Bat Cave” – Caleb and Livvie are cozy – he’s behind her- hugging her close to him and they are sort of rocking back and forth in a very ‘comforting’ kind of embrace. Aw!]

Caleb asks Livvie ‘why would he want to be with Alison. Livvie responds that they were yucking it up together, telling jokes, kissing – she thinks that’s a pretty good start [me? I think it’s an awful start]

Caleb: what if I told you that I liked her?

Livvie: Great – she’s the Slayer’s girl; she would make a good trophy for you [putting the best (vampire) spin on it]

C: no – not like that – no – not sexual – she’s good something – honesty, loyalty –something [a good agent?]

Livvie now removes his arm from about her, steps away [I would, too] Great. Caleb, want me to make you a statue of her? [LOL] [Livvie is openly crying again] My god! Every man I’ve ever known is looked at her like she was this pure noble little [Bo Peep?] slice of heaven!

C: Heaven’s never been my thing.

L: Well, she’s everything I’m not [you mean stupid and helpless?] And never will be, especially now.

C: look at me. Look at me. [He puts one hand to her chin, turns her to face him, slowly she does, and slowly she lifts her tear-streaked eyes to his face] [He strokes the side of her face, her hair]

C: what do you see?

L; [with a little shake of the head] I don’t know anymore…

C: yes you do. You see yourself in my eye. The way I see you – beautiful, desirable – and mine. [Wowzers!]

L: you still … want me the way you always have?

C; [smile – you could die for such a smile – oh yeah – she did] Livvie – I was born to love you [she turns her head, kisses the palm of his hand as he caresses her]

[She pulls his hand away from her head – shakes her head and we see she is crying once more [KM is fantastic!!]

C; [who is pretty darn fantastic himself!] What?

L: when you look at a woman – something happens – you can’t help yourself, can you? [Now she caresses the side of his face] It’s as natural to you as breathing

C: what is?

L: you need to seduce. Capture - it’s all about the hunt to you – it’s in your blood [or what it something that he ‘ate’?]

C: if you don’t believe in my love – if you don’t’ trust it – then what’s the point?

L: I am just telling you how I feel…

C: [angry, he grabs the back of her hair [not gentle] and tips her head back] If that’s what you believe – if that’s what you believe – then let’s finish this! Kill me right now! [He pulls her mouth to his throat –

L: don’t so this!!

C: Kill me!!




[BTW, don’t you just love the “Old Navy Love Boat” commercial?]

[Back Into the Woods [they spend more time in the woods than the Camp Fire Girls!] With Casey and Jamal]

Jamal says Casey gets the prize for guessing his deep dark secret. Casey [some angel powers!] wonders ‘how did they do it to him?”

He doesn’t know – one minute he was walking through the park, next he was in the morgue. Casey is immediately concerned {I’m sure, but instead of talking about his new problem] she launches into a pity party for herself for not looking after Jamal and being busy with Ricky.

Now Jamal has to reassure her that it was not her fault. And even with everything else that has happened and losing Jack to The Dark Side of the Force, he never thought it could happen to him.

But apparently Casey has [once again] had enough of talking about Jamal’s emotions. She then tells him about how when she ‘lived’ there she thought she was invincible, too.

Jamal [who is probably as fed up with her making it about herself [again] and he gets his own back, by peering into the heavens and saying oh! So innocently that he thought ‘somebody up there’ had his back.

Casey winces, but apparently in this case she does NOT want to address that that remark could be about her! She says she wants to take Jamal home. But Jamal says he was supposed to be one of the ‘good guys’ and that ‘they’ are going to be laughing their freakin’ halos off at this number one sucker [LMSO – a good pun – as the latest vampire he is now the number one ‘sucker] - they will say that he thought he was pretty smooth – now why don’t you take something to the blood bank.

Casey starts hugging him while he says he guesses the joke is on him. Some joke, huh?

[Club Josh – Reese and Jack are there with an actual other customer and the bartender*]

They talk about how Jamal seems weird – vampire weird. Reese opines that it would not make sense for Joshy to turn someone like Jamal.

Over by the door, the reporter from the other day enters and Ricky stands to greet her. She is looking for Stephen Clay was there – Jack steps up and introduces himself – tells her that he is managing the band and she doesn’t need to speak with Stephen – she still wants to – he tells her that Stephen is shy [and says it with a straight face] but they have moved on and call the band ]The Experience [when asked if the audience enjoyed the concert, members were heard to say” Well, it’s um… ah… been an experience I won’t forget] He says they want to move with the times and the whole vampire Goth thing is over.

She says that is why they wanted to talk to Stephen. He answers that if anyone is going to find Stephen it would be him – and Ricky and Reese can tell vampire stories [maybe they ARE in the Campfire Girls - a good scary story by the campfire ??]She says good and she will be in touch.

She leaves, and the gang talks about Jack will find Caleb and the wind will blow Caleb out of town [hey – watch it yourself – he did so say that]

[Speaking of Caleb – he’s still urging Livvie to take a bite out of (vampire) crime [but she is NO McGruff] and resists.

C; if you don’t believe that I would go to the ends of the world to be with you – then what is the point of fighting?

L: NO! NO, I can’t! I love you!

C: you love me? If you love me, then show me

L: No – no – I don’t want to hurt you.

C: you can’t [he bends kisses her gently] we can. [Kiss] we can

L: she wraps her arms about his neck as he kisses her neck] you taught me how to control myself, when we’re together. ONLY WHEN I’M WITH YOU I DON’T WANT TO CONTROL MYSELF! [She fists her hands to keep from grabbing him to her]

C: listen to me – soon - - soon we’ll be back to the way we were – never stop believing in us – never stop believing in the power of what we have!

L[kisses him] [They continue to kiss as he scoops her up in his arms, takes her to the ‘bed’ and lays her on it – they continue to passionately kiss]

[And Rats!! We go to Alison and Rafe]

Rafe is going on about how hard it was to be with her friends grieving and how he never wants it to be for real –a and he is not going to apologize for wanting to protect her or for taking care of her [preciousness] He knows it all started with Caleb and is afraid it is going to end with him ….

… As this show is we cut back to Caleb and Livvie – as Caleb discards his shirt – Livvie’s is already gone and they kiss passionately and Livvie closes her eyes in ecstasy]


*termite walks into a bar and asks: Hey! Where’s the bartender?


The DimHouse

Kevin: you, Elizabeth are the single most screwed up woman I’ve ever met [and that’s saying something!]

[Club Josh]

Ricky to Josh: I will do whatever it takes to put The Experience on the map!
Josh: Do you want it bad enough to make the Angel Fall? [Or at least make the angel food cake?]

[Back Into the Woods with Casey and Jamal]

Casey: you could use your new powers to take down Joshua [as the slayers and the angels seem to be totally inept]
Jamal: Rrrrrrrrrraaaaaaagh! [Bends in pain]

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