Daily Updates

Port Charles Update for Friday, 26-Sep-2003

Author: Kathim
Posting date: Tue, 30-Sep-2003 7:19:47 AM PST

[Open with Ian and Elizabeth at the Mountainous Country Cabin]

Ian is trying to get his cell phone to work – it doesn’t and he no longer has a land line phone at the cabin he tells Elizabeth; nor does he have cable. Ha-ha, she is NOT amused.

They finally decide that the only way out of their situation is to walk out. Elizabeth rhetorically asks – how far could it be, anyway?

Ian answers her: about 20 miles or so. He further points out that she’s not dressed for the walk. She says [sarcastically] that she wasn’t exactly planning on getting stuck up there.

He calls her on that –

I: I’m not so sure about that

E: Excuse me? The tires were slashed!

I: Keep talking …

E: What? You think that Chris came up here and in some wild, jealous rampage …..

I: Why not? Huh – that’s Ramsey – he comes up with some strange stuff. And YOU – you’re the one comes up here with stories about making him jealous!

E; Oh! It’s all my fault [angry] I’ll assume responsibility for everything It’s my fault that I followed you up here! It’s my fault that I wanted to make him jealous! It’s my fault that you’re - --

I: That I’m what?!

E: I’m sorry [very quiet] I’m sorry – she leaves

He groans and sits [we hear her scream] Ian runs out the door.

[Cut to the “Badger” who is now wearing his badge on his T-shirt – call the fashion police.][He is listening to Jack, who is calling Jamal from a pay phone [and we hear ringing, but no answer]] and I think this is a purposely public place to make this call – it seems even more so as Jack is saying “come on, Jamal – answer”]

[Back at the closed Silverhill café]

Imani is treating Jamal’s scratch [he is still in doofy hat] – she’s all sorry – he says they will blame it on the fish. [This is cute] He laughs and says since they stayed up all night trying to catch a fish and didn’t get anything, the effort must have been worth something.

He asks her if she wants to talk about it – the thing that she was so intent on when he walked up and scared her so bad she jerked and scratched him. She holds back. He initially presses, but then backs off.

He says no more 20 questions about everything [which would be interesting when they discussed the: “Is it animal, vegetable, or mineral?” question] From now on, he is a new man – and is just there for her.

She begins to tell him – and then changes it to she thinks she should put alcohol on his cut. [Yes, Jim Beam]

[Madea enters, and she’s not in a happy mood]

M: You troublemaker! What did you do to my granddaughter?

[At the gym – we begin our daily dose of the quad with Alison explaining their basic membership program]

[Note: Your recapper is frustrated in that NEVER have we seen so many extras used lavishly in PC until these last few weeks. My frustration? Lose them and show just a little of Victor, Frank and Mary.]

{Rafe runs in and tells her he has to talk to her – right then – she barely has time to press the application/enrollment form into the new customer’s hands and tell him where to sign before Rafe grabs her and drags her away [For cryin’ out loud! I know that everyone in PC puts their personal lives ahead of work –but never has it been so obvious before]

Rafe is excited – they have talked about taking off and getting out of town – well they are doing it tonight! They are going! [To Tallahassee?! LMAO]


[Silverhill Café]

Madea is there and has surmised [wrongly] that Jamal must have done something to Imani in order that she was forced to cut him [the scratch] Imani explains that she was startled and accidentally cut Jamal.

Madea pushes: Are you telling me the truth?

I: I would tell you – I tell you everything.

M: All right [to Jamal] well, go find yourself a bandage – can you manage that?

J: Hopefully, I can [to Imani] are you OK?
I: yeah.

[Jamal leaves]

I: Grandmother, you’ve got to be more careful. If - -
M: Me?! I’ve got to be more careful? You were the one that practically begged me to let him stay; you were out with him all night –

I: It’s not what you think - -

M: Never mind what I think – you can’t lead this young man on, knowing it can’t go anywhere! Tell me the truth – what really happened out there?

I: I had a vision again..

M: Of being hunted down? That awful nightmare where your father tries to warn you?

I: Yeah, and it’s too late and I get caught.

M: You know what it means, Imani – he’s getting closer!

I: I don’t’ know that for sure …

M: YES YOU DO! And you would know it if it wasn’t for this boy! I understand – I know that you care for Jamal [she is GREAT in this scene] And I see now that he is a very special young man … but the longer you are together, the closer he comes to finding out who you really are. And I don’t think he’s strong enough!

I: He’s a good man –and I don’t have that long - -Can’t I just enjoy it? Can’t I just pretend for a little while?

M: Baby – you know I love you – I would do anything – I would give up my own life! For you to have everything that you want – everything that you deserve. But what - - what’s gonna happen when it comes time to let go - - Isn’t it going to get harder? When you know it can’t even last until next week?! [Actually –that’s about as long as it can last – sob]

I: [voice breaking] Madea

M: what are you going to do then? When the time comes –have you thought about that?

I: [sad and a little angry] no – I haven’t. But I will deal with it then! OK?!

Madea: uh-uh. There’s that look – you’re in love with this young man, aren’t you sweetie?

I: I just know that I want to be with him.

M: Just want to be with him … that’s just another way of saying …

I: Oh, Grandmother, just trust me! He’s different – I know that he is – can’t you just accept my ---

[Jamal enters with bandage on his cheek]

J: I found some fish [has a tin can] couldn’t catch all night - I think the label says dolphin
[Jamal sees that the atmosphere is tense] am I interrupting?

I: it’s OK, stay.

[Madea leaves, but says;] And you can’t even fish, huh?

J: what did I say?

I: nothing – it’s cool [she does NOT mean the hat, I’m sure] I promise you – the next time we go fishing, it will be a lot less painful.
J: next time? [Gack]

[They laugh]

[We now cut to Madea, she’s talking to herself] The pain is only beginning, my poor darling. This is going to be bad. [She must be a K&L Schmuck]

[At the mountainous country cabin]

Ian and Elizabeth enter – Elizabeth has been stung by a bee – she claims she’s not allergic, but needs ice for it – she gets into Ian’s little pint size fridge and slams everything around – and out – in order to get the ice. She manages to get the ice on her bee-stung arm, and use her high heel as an ice-pick to poke a hole in Ian’s blood bag [which is one of the things she tossed on the floor] Oops! There goes his blood supply.

[And there goes this part – we now go to commercials]

[Rali’s Gym]

Rafe tells Alison he wants to go now and run off and get married – she hesitates and he says: please, please, please, please [and I have to admit, he looks SO cute ding this – that I would go marry him] Alison agrees – but where will they go? He tells her to give him 10 minutes and he’ll give her 10 choices. She says that wherever they go, there must be an awesome chef as she wants a great wedding cake.

Rafe goes to choose locations; Alison goes back the customer, who has been eavesdropping; he congratulates her. He then tells her that it’s ironic, he was supposed to get married, but his wife [he SAID wife] had second thoughts.

Alison asks if she decided to postpone. He says yes – that’s the polite way of saying that she dumped him. He tells her that they were supposed to leave on their Honeymoon today – but maybe some good can come out of this: he gives his Honeymoon tickets to Alison and Rafe. A gift – since the trip was nonrefundable, the guy just wants someone to use it.

Alison thanks him – and gives him a year’s membership for free to help pay for it. The thank each other – he tells he that he will talk to her when he gets back [I did not get that wrong] and hopefully they will have a great time. [he leaves]

Rafe comes back and she shows him the package – tells him that their newest member, Joel Weston, gave them the deal in exchange for the membership.

She’s all excited to do it – even does her own version of “please please please”, but Rafe says: sorry – no can do.

[Back at the cabin –Elizabeth scurries to clean up the blood]

Ian tells her that cleaning it up isn’t the problem – she says of course he has more, right – then her arm bothers her – she begins hyperventilating

Ian says that it means she IS allergic after all, and tells her to sit and calm down – gives her a shot ….

[Back at Silverhill Café]

Madea is putting Jamal through the hoops again – he tells her that he is digging helping out [he is setting the tables][Imani is not there]

Madea: [is unimpressed] you missed one [setting] and set these [napkins] please. Make if pretty if you want to eat.

J: Yes, ma’am.

M: I sure hope you are better at that bicycle shop hobby of yours than your are at setting tables [ROTFL]

J: It’s not bicycles – it’s motorcycles. What do you know about motorcycles? You ride or something [OOoooooooh – the look she gives him] also – it’s a business – it’s a very good business if I do say so myself. You knows pays all my bills and then some.

M: What bills you paying, closing shop whenever you please [inquiring minds want to know]

J: you know – I just live my life by following my gut.

M: You’re giving up your life.

J: or following my future.

M: don’t you think I know what you’re up to? How’d you meet my granddaughter?

J: I guess you could say we just kind of met. One day she was bumping into me – and we kept on bumping into each other, and needing a hand – and I was the one to give it. And I want to thank you, too.

M: For what?

J: For raising such a wonderful granddaughter .

M: mmmm.

J: I bet you’re the one that taught her how to sing, too, right?

M: She told you that?

J: I heard her sing in the church choir. Most beautiful sound I’ve ever heard.

M: Hers is special.

J: [nods] I’ve never met anyone like Imani before in my life. And ever since I heard her sing that night – hers is the only voice I want to hear.

M: Is that right? [leaves the table they were at]

J: right, what? What did I say [Imani enters]

I: Grandma?

[Madea leaves the room]

J: I don’t know.

I: Is she behaving herself?

J: If you mean trying to trip me up by asking 20 questions – she’s doing great!

I: sorry

J: Don’t worry about it – I’m actually making some good headway with her

I: that would be a first – she did not warm up easy.

J: [smile} really? What about you?

I: What about me?

J: am I making headway with you?

I: yeah [they kiss]

[Out in a wooded area, Jack wanders]

He speaks: It must be right up ahead – I got to be getting close [noise] [he looks behind him] yeah. OK. [he leaves –and we see the feet of the badger following][Pan up to the badge on the T-shirt and …. Go to Commercials][

[The mountainous Country Cabin]

Ian is cleaning up Elizabeth’s refrigerator spill mess – Elizabeth is working hard just trying to breathe. She is feeling just a tad hazy – and we find out it is from the second shot that Ian gave her [off camera] She asks again – he DOES have more blood supply, right?

He gives her a long look [estimating pints?] then answers: no.

She’s all tired – he tells her to sleep – she asks – he won’t bite her, will he? She tells him she trust him – and he’ll figure out what to do … [she lies back and goes to sleep]

Ian looks thirsty.

[Café Silverhill]

Jamal and Imani and smooching and liking it – they tell each other that they want each other – but, Imani says. But what, asks Jamal –Madea. Oh. He says. She tells him that she knows a place [a den?] He says why don’t they go there and have the best time the never had before in their lives…

[Slam! We hear noises from the outside! What could it be?]

[Rali’s Gym]

Alison wants to go on the trip they were given – Rafe is suspicious – it was just given to them by a stranger – he says they can go anywhere BUT to the gift place [THE GIFT]

Rafe points out that they don’t even know the guy – Alison points out that the guy does Yoga. And they have his cell phone and address and everything – if they need to check up on him – and sometimes, Alison adds, a gift is just a gift

[wah – and a cigar is just a cigar –see: K&L Christmas 96]

She suggests he look at it again – it sure would be nice and this is where she wants to get married – please please please please and she loves him. He finally agrees.

They race for the door and we see Joel looking through the window – they leave – Joel: nice – I did something nice – it makes me feel all ooey-gooey inside – [he tranmorgafies [see: Calvin and Hobbes] into Caleb] Bon Voyage, kids [Bwa ha ha!] and the show is Over]

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