SoapZone Community Message Board


In the US, there are definitely legal ramifications and benefits to marriage.

From: K_StillNotOver2016 Find all posts by K_StillNotOver2016 Send private message to K_StillNotOver2016
Date: Tue, 29-Oct-2024 9:56:20 AM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: ~*~*~WEEK OF OCTOBER 28 POTPOURRI~*~*~ posted by Wahoo
In reply to: I have to admit, having gotten a ton of unsolicited feedback on the marital posted by Dreamylyfe
There are definitely circumstances where I'd say marriage is an overall benefit--for instance, for people starting out and planning to build a life together. Or for someone who is sacrificing their current way of earning money to follow their partner.

But for Gisele, no. I don't see it.

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