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Lately I've been struggling somewhat with boredom...

From: Wahoo Find all posts by Wahoo View Wahoo's profile Send private message to Wahoo
Date: Mon, 27-Jan-2025 9:21:34 AM PST
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In reply to: LAST WEEK OF JANUARY POTPOURRI posted by chloe
Part of it is due to work; holiday shopping started picking up around October, so I was getting more hours at work, though never more than 29/week (probably because 30 hours a week is considered full-time and comes with benefits). But then between the usual January retail slump and the frigid temperatures, business dropped off sharply and I'm back to working 20 hours most week. And part of my problem is I was not blessed with a lengthy attention span. Modern technology has, IMO, only worsened it, as I grew accustomed to getting news or watching stories on my phone or on YouTube in short bursts.

So now I have more hours to fill and don't quite know what to do with myself. I watch a little TV but I don't binge watch, plus with the exception of one show, nothing that's on right now is really grabbing my attention (nights when the Cavs play help). I watch YouTube videos--usually a mix of political commentary, animal stories, some history, some music videos and weirdly random things--but like with TV, I can't sit and stare at a screen for too long. I play a few computer games, I read (I just finished a couple pretty good books...but that's a topic for the February book post in a couple weeks <g>), and I occasionally exchange short bursts of texts with friends. I clean a little, and I do mean a LITTLE. And I'm currently NOT doing any crafts until I figure out what to do with the completed crafts I have.

Am I missing anything? Is there anything else you can think of that I could do to kill some time until the weather's warmer and I can get out a little more?

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