Password Help
Having trouble logging in? Check the following tips...
Capitalization counts
The most common problem when logging in to a members-only area is incorrect capitalization of your user name or password, or both. These are case-sensitive, and must be entered using the same capitalization you used when you registered. For example, GHFan and ghfan are two distinct user names, and GHFan won't be able to log in as ghfan.
Activate your account
The second most common problem is trying to log in with an account that has not been activated yet. When you register for the site, you are sent a verification number by email to the email address you registered.
When you receive your verification number, you must go to the account activation page and activate your account using your user name and the verification number. (Remember: type your user name using the same capitalization as you did when registering.) If you've lost or forgotten your verification number, see below.
Accounts are removed after 90 days of no activity
If you don't use your account to log in at least once every 90 days (three months), your account will be removed automatically. If you've registered before and the Password Help page can't find your old account, please register again.
Don't worry, be happy
Finally, it's possible you just plain forgot your password or lost your verification number. Don't feel bad; we all do it from time to time. And it's easy to refresh your memory. Just type your registered email address in the box below and click remind me. Your user name and password will be immediately emailed to your registered email address. If your account hasn't been activated yet, we'll send you your verification number too.