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❤️❤️❤️Happy Thanksgiving SZ! ❤️❤️❤️ spoiler

From: RehvengeIsSweet Find all posts by RehvengeIsSweet View RehvengeIsSweet's profile Send private message to RehvengeIsSweet
Date: Thu, 28-Nov-2024 2:47:26 AM PST
Where: General Hospital Message Board
In reply to: ****Week of November 25th Spoiler HP**** posted by RehvengeIsSweet


ENCORE 15511 (O.A.D. 7/19/24)
Carly and Jason continue to celebrate Jason’s newfound freedom on the footbridge. They discuss what to do about Sonny now that Jason has apparently completed his assignment for the FBI.
Josslyn hands Trina something that fell out during the move to their new apartment - the turtle dove Spencer gave her. When the reminderof her lost love brings tears to Trina’s eyes, she grows frustrated with her inability to move on from Spencer. Josslyn has news for Trina: her grief will never truly go away.Cody and Tracy are surprised when James makes a surprise appearance to ask why he's no longer allowed to take riding lessons with Cody. Maxie and Spinelli are forced to pick the boy up after Cody realizes James walked here on his own. Later, Sasha joins Cody. He frets about being shut out from Mac’s life, but Sasha urges Cody to hold on hope that the situation can be salvage. Laura and Dante cross while they both pay a visit to a still-comatose Lulu. Tracy finds Gio in the nook helping himself to a late-night snack. She finds herself charmed by the young man as she gets to know him.

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