to me. As some others have mentioned, no matter who it is, I hope it is a slow build. Sam/Dante were one of my favorite couples, but I'm guessing GH is going to reunite Dante/Lulu. Maybe not, but as long as they are going to pair him with someone, I would rather see Elizabeth and Dante than Dante/Lulu. Something new, and they both know the pain of losing someone. Isaiah would be something new, too, and they both have their medical careers in common and would run into each other at the hospital. Seems as if he and Portia might be in GH's plans, but who knows? It seems GH has Lucky and Elizabeth spending quite a bit of time together, so I'm wondering if GH is going for them as a couple again or maybe just good friends. Hopefully, good friends. Could say the same about Ric and Ava. Maybe GH is just having different characters share scenes for now-like Cody and Lulu.
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