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NuNuLulu has definitely come in hot as lava, but she didn't irk me until

From: Antwon Find all posts by Antwon View Antwon's profile Send private message to Antwon
Date: Sat, 04-Jan-2025 5:25:42 PM PST
Where: General Hospital Message Board
In reply to: ****Week of December 30th Spoiler HP**** posted by RehvengeIsSweet
she went off on Dante without merit. That being said, I think she is within her right to be on the warpath. She has awakened from a four year coma and was hit with a ton of tragedies. Charlotte is her child and she has been taken on the run by her father. That is a dangerous situation and also mentally impactful. Charlotte will never be able to establish roots anywhere because Valentin will keep them both on the move. Charlotte wanted to see her mother--otherwise she would not have given her the location. I think she feels more a connection to her father because: 1. He raised her. 2. She has spent way more time with him.

Lulu is behaving just like Luke Spencer's daughter. Doesn't make it right, but I get it. I am going to withhold judgment until after she gets acclimated to life again and reclaims her daughter. Dante was on the money with 99% of what he said. I'm glad he called her out. I think he was wrong to tell Lulu to just let it go for now and go home. Yes, Rocco needs her but it's not like Lulu can just flip a switch and not worry about Charlotte. It was foolish to go to a foreign country alone. She should have brought Dante with her but asked him to wait in the car or something.

I would rather have this version of Lulu than the previous one who was way too soft and not believable in scenes where she was on the warpath. I said this when it was announced that Alexa Havins got the role--she can def play a biatch on wheels and she is earning her paycheck. BTW, TPTB did reach out to Julie and she turned them down. AH was their next call.

I do get why she is rubbing people the wrong way. She is definitely entitled and abrasive.

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