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General Hospital Update for Friday, 2-Nov-2012

Author: View Profile kscornell
Posting date: Sun, 04-Nov-2012 5:47:28 AM PDT

Halloween is over in Port Charles, but for Michael and Carly, the frights are just beginning. Connie is celebrating her win in her commitment hearing, but hopefully Trey and Sonny have the last laugh. Carly and Sonny try and take their relationships to the next level, but don't quite get there. Busy day!
Let's start things off with someone who hasn't taken off his Halloween costume yet: AJ. He breaks out of the Mansion and of course, goes to the Haunted Star's Halloween Party dressed as the Grim Reaper. (Very fitting, right?)
He looks for Michael, sees him with Starr, and can't take his eyes off him. He's always standing there watching Michael, and Michael is starting to get freaked out.
After Michael and Starr make plans to go to the next level, he tells her that he will meet her at her place after he's made a quick trip to the drug store for protection.
After Starr leaves, AJ reveals himself to his son. Michael doesn't believe it's his father, and understandably gets very angry when he finds out it is!
AJ bashes Carly for awhile and begs Michael not to go to the cops, saying that he would go right to prison and that Monica would probably also be arrested for aiding and abetting.
Michael then shows up at Starr's place, where he doesn't tell her anything, even though she clearly can see that something is wrong.
Carly also has a meeting wtih AJ. It's at Pier 52, (yes, THAT Pier 52), where she has gone to clear her head after being with Todd. (more on that later).
AJ walks in, reveals himself to his ex-wife and you know that NOW it's going to go down.....
Speaking of Carly, she has spent Halloween with Todd. They've been watching a horror movie marathon and are getting mighty close. One thing leads to another and clothes start to come off...
However, Carly, for once, takes a step back and gently tells Todd that maybe they are doing this for the wrong reasons?
While this is going on, there's a knock at the door. It's Johnny, who bribed the hotel staff for Todd's room number, because he knew Carly was up there.
Carly opens the door, clad in her bra and jeans, along with a shirtless Todd. Carly understandably tells her ex that he can't dictate her life anymore, and he should go home to the little woman! Go, Carly!!
Finally, Connie. She's gloating over the fact that she's not yet been sent to Shadybrook, but can't find a place to celebrate!
She finally winds up at Kelly's, where she runs into Sonny and Alexis. She gets Sonny so angry that he winds up throwing a table over after she leaves!
Will Connie FINALLY get sent to Shadybrook? (Please???) How will Port Charles react to AJ being alive? Stay tuned!
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