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General Hospital Update for Friday, 15-Feb-2013

Author: View Profile kscornell
Posting date: Mon, 18-Feb-2013 4:31:48 AM PDT

There's a new mystery in Port Charles, and John McBain is smack in the middle of it; Christina starts her community service at Pentonville and Diane tells Connie that she needs to cough up the cash if she's going to defend her. Almost forgot to mention that it's Valentine's Day and some couples are showing their love in unique ways!
Starting off with Todd, Anna and Sam find him at the piers, holding on to Danny's stroller. Naturally, they put two and two together, and think that Todd was the one who kidnapped Sam's baby!
And of course, Caleb, the real villian, is nowhere to be found!
Todd tells Anna that it was John McBain (Caleb) who stole Danny, but naturally, they don't believe him, as Anna knows that McBain was in lockup at the PCPD the night before. Todd's taken into custody.
What Anna doesn't realize is that McBain (the real one) now believes Lucy: that there is someone named Caleb who could be his identical twin out there committing all of these crimes! He begs Dante to let him escape, so he can catch Caleb.
As they are walking out, they run into Anna bringing in Todd, who still insists that McBain is guilty.
On to the Lake House, where Molly is harboring Rafe. As she is insisting to Alexis that no, she didn't see Heather kidnap Danny, but knows that she did it, Rafe comes forward.
He tells Alexis that he doesn't want Molly to get in trouble for hiding him and gives Alexis information on his meeting with Heather.
They get a phone call from Sam, with the good news that Danny is safe. Even so, Alexis takes him back to the PCPD, over Molly's objections.
She feels badly about not being able to represent Rafe (She's defending McBain in Rafe's mom's murder trial, remember?) so she brings Rafe to Diane, who agrees to do it pro bono.
Meanwhile, TJ comes to the Lakehouse as Alexis and Rafe are leaving. He sizes up the situation and tells Molly that he doesn't think he can trust her anymore, due to her harboring Rafe.
TJ tells her that he doesn't want to fight with her, which is why he has to drop off her Valentine's Day gift and leave.
And it's a beautiful gift: a locket, saying that she has his heart and he has her back and tools for great writers. (It looked like a diary). Awwwww...
On to Pentonville, where Christina is starting her community service. The first prisoner she sees? Johnny!!
Over at Kelly's, Diane is meeting with Connie. She goes over the charges she's facing with her and tells her client that she's going to need to cought up the funds if she wants Diane to defend her.
Connie says no problem: she'll just dip into Johnny's off-shore accounts! She calls Johnny's accountant and tells him to send a check yesterday!
Will TJ and Molly make up? Will the PCPD figure the mystery out and arrest Caleb? Will John McBain go free? Stay tuned!
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