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General Hospital Update for Friday, 29-Mar-2013

Author: View Profile kscornell
Posting date: Sun, 31-Mar-2013 3:08:52 PM PDT

Happy 50th, GH! And if today was any indication, the birthday party is going to be a doozy!
Here's what happened today: Luke and Laura had a meeting with Helena Cassidine on the Haunted Star that could be the ultimate one--but who knew that Dante would also be there; Felicia is going to have to make the ultimate decision regarding her love life: Mac, Frisco or Mr. Marbles (more on that later); Spinelli and Ellie are not seeing eye-to-eye on kids, so sadly, the romance between our two favorite geeks could be over; and Pickle Lila, as usual, is a key part of today's episode!
What would a GH episode be without Pickle Lila, right?
Anyway, starting off on the Haunted Star, Luke and Laura have found it in the middle of the ocean and have fought to get on it. They wind up in the bar, where they find who they have been looking for: HELENA!! She's there with her guns and her hunky bodyguards, and is amazed to find out that Nicholas has been shot and is near death!
Helena makes Laura call GH to get proof. Laura calls's Scotty's phone, since he said he would be at Nicholas' bedside and is shocked when Alexis picks up!
Alexis gives Helena her proof, and after Helena hangs up, she points a gun on Laura and says it's her fault! But what she doesn't know is that Dante has just gotten onboard and will be there soon!
On to Felicia, who has to decide who she wants to be with: Mac, Frisco or Mr. Marbles (kidding! Mr. Marbles is the dummy that Mac is using in his Nurses' Ball act).
Anyway, Mac and Mr. Marbles are rehearsing at the Floating Rib, when Frisco walks in. One thing leads to another and then BAM!! Frisco punches Mac in the jaw!
When the boys see Felicia, who has just come in after getting relationship advice from Maxie, they demand that Felicia tell them who she is choosing.
Felicia puddles up and says she loves both of them! (Come on Felicia, put on your big girl panties and step up to the plate!)
On to Spinelli and Ellie. Sadly, things are going so well between GH's favorite nerds. It's so bad that their relationship could be ending!
Why? It turns out that Spinelli is dying to be a father and Ellie? Kids aren't in her life plan, let's just say.
Spinelli winds up at Maxie's apartment and Maxie, who has just dispensed relationship advice to Felicia, gets ready to do the same thing for him. But what complicates things is what Spinelli doesn't know about the baby....
And what would an update be without Pickle Lila, right? AJ is leaving GH after hearing Liz pour her heart out about her relationship with Nicholas, when he runs into Ellie.
Ellie tells him that she had the formula delivered to his office, pulls up the tracking number on line and discovers it was signed for by TRACY, who throws a rude message on it to boot!
When he goes back to the mansion, there's Tracy toasting her victory in the den!! This ain't over yet, not by a longshot!
Will Luke, Laura and Dante get off the Haunted Star alive--with Lulu?? Who will Felicia pick: Mac or Frisco, and can she do it SOON?? Will Spinelli find out the truth about Maxie's baby: that his wish to be a father will come true faster than he thinks? And will Pickle Lila come back to store shelves again? STAY TUNED!
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