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General Hospital Update for Friday, 16-Aug-2013

Author: View Profile kscornell
Posting date: Thu, 29-Aug-2013 10:50:27 AM PDT

Happy Bombshell Friday!! And get 'em while they're hot!
What happened today? Mac and Felicia tied the knot (YAY) for real this time, but we had bombshells before and after the wedding; Luke and Holly are on the cusp of finding out the answers to a lot of questions, but had an unexpected visitor (bombshell!); Anna and Dante are also on the verge of getting answers to their questions, and WHY is Dr. Westbourne involved? Busy day!
Anyway, everyone's at The Floating Rib to toast Mac and Felicia on their wedding day. Lucy's (??) performing the ceremony and gets to the point where she asks if there's anyone there who has objections to the wedding, when the door opens. And who's behind it has everyone recoiling in horror!!!
It's none other than RICHARD SIMMONS!!!!!!! (bombshell!!) Yep, it's Richard Simmons, bad color job and all, who still has a bone to pick with Lucy over the Nurses' Ball!
He's actually there to beg forgiveness for what happened. Upshot? Everyone kissed and madeup and the wedding went on as planned!!
However, this IS a Port Charles wedding and this IS The Floating Rib, where Maxie made her entrance years before when it was Jake's.
And guess what? Maxie's baby is probably going to make her entrance there as well, because Maxie thinks HER water broke!! (bombshell!!) And here we go!!
Anyway, we move on to Pennsylvania, where Luke and Holly are on the verge of finding Jerry Jacks in a very creepy house.
And why do they want to run into Jerry Jacks? Remember he's dying from the same radiation illness that Luke has, and has access to the cure.
Luke is getting ready to walk through a hidden door in the house, when DR. OBRECHT walks in!! (bombshell!!)
Why is she there? Luke tries to get it out of her and tells Holly who she is: that she is the doctor who has Robert in a coma in Switzerland. Holly tries to kill her herself, but Luke tells her that she's more valuable for the information she has....
Luke walks through the door, which leads to a stairwell that leads to another closed door. What (or who) is behind it?
Finally, back in Port Charles, Anna and Dante go to Dr. Westbourne's apartment to arrest Dr. Obrecht. However, when they open the door, they see a very pregnant Britch lying on a couch. She says she doesn't know where her mother is, but Anna sees an empty Propanol vial in the trash basket. Remember that this is the drug that Duke was drugged with...
Anyway, Anna takes the Britch into custody, and you and I know it's going down!!
Will Maxie and Spinelli's daughter be born safely? Who or what will Luke find in this creepy house? Will Richard Simmons get a better color job? Stay tuned!
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