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General Hospital Update for Friday, 25-Oct-2013

Author: View Profile kscornell
Posting date: Sat, 02-Nov-2013 6:52:35 AM PDT

Bombshell Friday--what a way to end the month, right? And what happened today? Well, the cat is out of the bag regarding Derek's true identity, and Sonny's not very happy about it! Morgan knows too, and tried to make a deal with Derek to save his life. Robert and Anna also know, but aren't in a place to do anything about it. The only person who doesn't know is Duke!!
Robin, Britt, Nicholas and Ben, with Faison and Obrecht in tow, are back in Port Charles, but Robin is no closer to being reuinted with Patrick and Emma.
Finally, Patrick and Sabrina have big news to share and Robin is not very happy about it once Britt blurts it out to her!
Starting off with Derek, whose true identity of Julian Jerome is starting to leak out in Port Charles, we see him arguing with Ava in his office when Morgan bursts in.
Morgan tells a stunned Ava in front of Julian that he knows his true identity and is going to tell Sonny.
However, once he gets to Sonny's coffee warehouse, he discovers that Michael is going to be running Sonny's restaurant--after Sonny had told Morgan that he would not hire any of his children in the organization!
After Michael realizes how this looks, he tells his younger brother that they can work together to run Mazulo's Restaurant for Sonny. Morgan's pride is hurt and he tells Sonny and Michael that he wouldn't take the job if it were the last one on earth.
What Morgan doesn't know is that Julian had contacted Carlos to put a hit on Morgan, after Morgan had stormed out of his office.
Ava has been frantically blowing up Morgan's phone trying to warn him, but too late. Carlos finds him on the piers and brings him back to Julian's office....
Morgan then offers Julian a deal for his life. He will work against Sonny and with Julian!
Meanwhile, Nicholas, Britt, Ben, Robin, Faison and Obrecht are back in Port Charles. They are holed up on Spoon Island, which Robin learns is close to GH, but not close enough!
Obrecht and Faison have not stopped sniping at each other since they got there, and Britt is sick of it. She decides to take Ben to GH for a checkup and Robin demands to go as well.
Britt talks her into staying on the island before leaving for GH. Once she gets to GH and is getting Ben checked out by Patrick, she gets a bombshell of her own: Sabrina and Patrick are engaged!
And of course, she's just gotta blab this to Robin when she returns to Spoon Island! Robin's already reeling with the news that Jason is dead and Faison killed him. Robin's got her work cut out for her!
Robert and Anna? They are still trapped in Robin's lab on Cassidine Island, where Robert confesses to his part in Julian Jerome's identity change to Derek Wells years ago.
This is all in the official PCPD file on the case, which DA Lazzaro (who's obviously dirty) so thoughtfully snuck out of PCPD HQ for Sonny's reading enjoyment!
Will Robin EVER be reunited with her family? Will Derek and Ava get what's coming to them? And WHERE is Jerry Jacks? Stay tuned!
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