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General Hospital Update for Friday, 26-Sep-2014

Author: View Profile kscornell
Posting date: Sat, 04-Oct-2014 8:24:43 AM PDT

Lulu and Maxie have been reunited with their loved ones, but from the looks of things, the heat is going go up several notches for Ava. What else happened today? Patrick and Sam's relationship is also heating up--and Mama Alexis couldn't be happier. Tracy, Lulu and Dante also are realizing that something is very wrong with Luke and Julian gets an unwanted visitor.
Starting off with Ava, we see her at the Brownstone, where Morgan agreed she could stay the night.
Realizing that Ava is in danger from Sonny, Morgan begged Ava to allow Kiki and himself to help. Touched, Ava refused, saying that she didn't want to expose them to any danger.
Julian? He got a visitor at Ava's penthouse: Coby, who said he had a message from Fluke for Ava: since she didn't kill Michael as he wanted, be prepared to pay the consequences!
Julian kicked him out, after pulling his gun and after getting help from Jordan.
On to Patrick and Sam. Sam, wearing only a shower towel, answers the door to a pleased Patrick.
After a lot of stammering, Sam leaves to put some clothes on and Alexis comes in carrying groceries.
Pleased to see Patrick, Alexis listens to Sam, who brings her up to speed on the investigation of Luke. And from what they are saying, the evidence is stacking up against him!
Over at Dante and Lulu's apartment, Tracy is asking Lulu if she's spoken to him. Lulu says no and after questioning Tracy figures out that she has no idea where he is either! Tracy finds out Anna's theory: that Luke is the head of the Jerome Crime Family.
Stunned,everyone on the canvas realizes that the pieces of the puzzle DO fit--and this could be true! Will the truth come out? Stay tuned!
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