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Trivia Quiz

Although Jimmy Lee Holt stirred up undeniable passion in Celia Quartermaine, why did she marry Grant Putnam?
How did Bryan Phillips' father die?
What emotional trauma led to Leslie Webber's addiction to gambling?
Did Filomena have any relatives in Port Charles?
Who provided Camellia with the professional guidance to help her cope with the traumatic memory of Evan Jerome's rape attempt?
Who is Mike Webber's step mother?
When Edward Quartermaine suffered his first heart attack, whose quick thinking saved his life?
Who became Rose Kelly's foster child?
Who was the doctor nurse Anne Logan accused of malpractice?
Who was Luke Spencer's mother-in-law?
For whose construction company did Tania Jones' father work?
Where did Lucy Coe work as a librarian?
When did Terri O'Connor first discover her singing talent?
Who was Claudia Phillips' mother?
Who saved Corey Blythe's life on the operating table?
Who is Monica Quartermaine's brother-in-law?
When Shirley Pickett moved to Port Chuck, with whom did she set up housekeeping?
Who identified Kevin O'Connor as the last person to be seen with Jennifer Talbot before she disappeared?
Why did Ruby's hysterectomy operation almost cost her her life?
What small country town was Charity Gatlin from?
Who convinced Robert Scorpio to return to Port Chuck from Australia?
Who was Peter Harrell's brother?
Why did Scotty Baldwin break off his first affair with Bobbie Spencer?
Where had Ginny Blake served time in jail before she came to PC?
Name the cook aboard Lord Ashton's yacht?
When Jake Meyer left his marriage to Bobbie, where did he go to start a new life?
Who was the sheriff of Laurelton during the time of Earl Moody's suspicious death?
How old was Mike Webber when he learned that his natural mother abandoned him as a baby?
Why did Lee Baldwin fire Scotty from his firm?
Who managed to catch Laura Spencer's garter belt at Luke and Laura's wedding?
What was Slick Jones' favorite hobby?
What incident caused the end of Audrey and Steve Hardy's first marriage?
When Robin Scorpio first came to Port Charles, what was her last name?
What two international groups was Anna part of before she became police commissioner?
Who saw Kevin O'Connor strangle Earl Moody?
Who was Scotty Baldwin's stepson?
What was the first job Lucy Coe had in Port Charles?
Who saved Holly from deportation to England? How?
What relationship was Alexandria Quartermaine to Edward Quartermaine?
Name the country where Camellia McKay spent her childhood.
Who stole Josh Clayton's original musical composition?
For whom did Ruby Anderson work before she took over Kelly's Diner?
When Grant Andrews chose Celia over Tania, to who did Tania turn?
What was Luke and Holly's theme song?
Why did Bobbie want to divorce D.L. Brock?
What was the title of Lucy's book?