General Hospital Message Board


I don't get it either. They let so many know the secret and then

From: Antwon Find all posts by Antwon View Antwon's profile Send private message to Antwon
Date: Sat, 30-Dec-2023 7:22:01 AM PST
Where: General Hospital Message Board
In topic: ****Week of December 25th Spoiler HP**** posted by RehvengeIsSweet
In reply to: I agree but it’s an odd choice since she encouraged Brenda to wear a wire, posted by TrinaFF_Okoye
confront Nina over it. What the hell was the point of that? So that she could feel the walls closing in on her? I hate how they write Nina now like she is dumb and she is not. Nina has already been down this road when a secret she kept for something wrong she DID do blew up in her face. Now that she is finally in a good place with Willow--why wouldn't she do things differently when she clearly knows how Willow and Sonny are likely to react? Soapy or not, telling them the truth could have still been dramatic and good. Nina would be taking control of her own future vs being blackmailed by 3 different people. This story is call kinds of stoopid.

But as you stated--the biggest pile of doo doo is the fact that all of this vitriol for two characters who did in fact commit insider trading. Ignorance is not bliss folks. Nina called in the tip out of spite. So damn what! Why does that even matter? She phoned in a tip on an actual crime. I was discussing this with someone who said: Well, Nina's motives were not pure. She wasn't trying to do a good thing. She was seeking revenge on Carly. Again, I say so damn what! If Carly had killed someone or embezzled from the MC and Nina called in that tip to send her rival to prison, how does that negate the fact that Carly committed a crime? It's no different really. Poor wittle Drew got his ass kicked in prison. Innocent and guilty people in prison get attacked, raped, and even killed. The judge utilized his right to reject a sentence and gave a different one within the law. This crusade to free Drew because his 3 years were so unfair was so insulting in this day an age. The writers had countless other ways to get Drew out of prison early.

I cannot state enough how much I've disliked Lois in this return stint and I used to love her.

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