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Carly just makes no sense: "Since my mother passed, closure only comes

From: Antwon Find all posts by Antwon View Antwon's profile Send private message to Antwon
Date: Thu, 18-Jan-2024 3:32:13 PM PST
Where: General Hospital Message Board
In reply to: ****Week of January 15th Spoiler HP**** posted by RehvengeIsSweet
from letting go. And I'm ready to move on." Um, you just said you hate Nina. You just aid you don't have to co-exist with her anymore or hold your tongue. You don't have to serve her at your restaurant. How is that moving on? It's not. She still has an axe to grind. And I'll believe this pseudo-epiphany when I see it. You can't even acknowledge that YOU choices to keep silent about BOTH of Nina's daughter's hurt her. But it's all about spin, deflection and rationale. I did what I had to do because... Zero self awareness. But when something happens to her, oh it's on like Donkey Kong. Women are bitches. They are liars. Sweetie, you are a lying bitch yourself! You lied to Drewfus and had him chasing false leads, when you knew the entire time Nina was Willow's mother. You pay the woman a boatload of money. She and her mealy mouth son fan have a heaping helping of STFU!

Kristina/Blaze: Zzzzzz. Sorry. I was looking forward to Kristina getting a romance but I find them boring.

Anna/Drewfus: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Dude. You fell on your sword for Carly. That is what took you away from your daughter and put you into prison. If he goes after Nina (not sure what he could even do) I predict that either she will get hurt literally or someone else will get hurt or Sonny will then retaliate against Drewfus. I really want Nina to use her magazine to write an expose on Carly. Published all the awful things she has done and her shady/colorful past.

Michael/Weeping Willow: The truth is out. They know that Nina was the tipster. But Nina is a bitch for telling that Michael knew and blackmailed her. Why would Nina protect Michael? She had every right to spill the beans. And Wishy Washy Willow is a piece of work. I wish Nina would just wash her hands of her sanctimonious ass. Harmony stole you. Harmony drugged you and allowed Shilow to rape and impregnate you. Harmony killed two people. She drugged, kidnapped and was ready to kill Carly (damn your lack of follow thru Harmony) and yet you still have heifer on a pedestal. Mmmmmmkay.

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