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TJ is going way overboard but I also get it. He's going to be a first time

From: Antwon Find all posts by Antwon View Antwon's profile Send private message to Antwon
Date: Wed, 01-May-2024 2:08:03 PM PDT
Where: General Hospital Message Board
In reply to: ****Week of April 29th Spoiler HP**** posted by RehvengeIsSweet
father and he's worried and paranoid. I just wish that Kristina had pointed out to him that the person causing her the most stress is the father to be. I will say that the more and more I see NuMolly, I think she is a wonderful recast. I thought the Molly/TJ scenes were great. She reminds me of Shiri Appleby (OG Roswell) [link]

I am hearing some anvils though. Jeff might be right (stranger things have happened 😛 ) about Sonny harming Kristina. I still say that baby survives. They didn't take the audience through all of this only to have the baby not make it.

Now today, Natalia did irk me but she is a closet homophobe so this is what she's supposed to be doing. Now if ever there was a time for Alexis to embrace her inner Cassadine and show off her haughtiness it was today with Natalia. But I guess that's just reserved for Nina!

Looks like we are getting another Aiden/bully story. If they are going to do this, then take it all the way to a gay bashing. Let's say Aiden and Tobias are on a date and they get jumped. Summer is coming. It would be a good teen story and of course topical.

This stuff with Lucy is so heavy-handed. Really? She has no self-awareness that she didn't discuss the product and won't listen to Scott or Maxie when they tell her that her appearance was a complete disaster? Where is her best friend Felicia? They can't show Lucy the negative comments online? There HAS to be a ton of it.

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