General Hospital Message Board


That’s Ava for ya. Totally selfish. Isn’t she keeping the Sonny meds issue

From: Paj_Staying4Becky Find all posts by Paj_Staying4Becky Send private message to Paj_Staying4Becky
Date: Fri, 10-May-2024 9:57:30 AM PDT
Where: General Hospital Message Board
In topic: ***Week of May 6th Spoiler HP**** posted by RehvengeIsSweet
In reply to: Okay, Ava's reaction to not going to the wedding pissed me off posted by Andrea
quiet for selfish reasons ?

It’s blasphemous to say but I don’t like Ava. Nothing rootable about her to me, unless she can kill some people I’m sick of (ie, Eva LaRue’s character) I don’t need characters perfect but Ava is just *thumbs down *

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