General Hospital Message Board


I don't have a clue what Ava wants ...

From: kll Find all posts by kll Send private message to kll
Date: Fri, 10-May-2024 6:22:17 PM PDT
Where: General Hospital Message Board
In topic: ***Week of May 6th Spoiler HP**** posted by RehvengeIsSweet
In reply to: Ava, grow a spine and move out. Sonny likes having people arpund. posted by ladfan
If she wants Sonny, she would score MAJOR points by letting him know his medication has been tampered with. She can tell him she noticed he was acting differently and decided to have the medication checked just in case.

I don't see what she gains by not telling him. Living with him with Avery while he is spiraling out of control doesn't seem like a good thing for Ava ... and especially her daughter.

I have no idea where this story with Ava is going.

Karen L.

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