General Hospital Message Board


Do you all listen to The Daily Drama podcast? Kirsten Storms made me tear up

From: Summer Find all posts by Summer Send private message to Summer
Date: Tue, 21-May-2024 10:16:40 AM PDT
Where: General Hospital Message Board
In reply to: ****Week of May 20th Spoiler HP**** posted by RehvengeIsSweet
After her surgery, she did not rebound mentally and wasn't taking care of herself. She confirmed when Maxie was dressing so poorly, it was because those were the only clothes she was comfortable in. Having been in a bad mental place myself, I always suspected we were watching a person that was struggling and I'm sad it turned out to be true.

However, she also said now she is doing much better and back to feeling like herself again and that is the reason we are seeing a resurgence in Maxie! I think Im going to going to cheer a little bit every time she pops on the screen from now on

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