General Hospital Message Board


Another interesting episode today. Finn was really good. Didn't turn out

From: Jo16 Find all posts by Jo16 Send private message to Jo16
Date: Tue, 21-May-2024 12:28:28 PM PDT
Where: General Hospital Message Board
In reply to: ****Week of May 20th Spoiler HP**** posted by RehvengeIsSweet
the way I was hoping it would. Violet's timing at the end was perfect. Chase/Brooklyn were believable as 2 newlyweds getting ready to go on their honeymoon.

Dante handled everything well, and his responses seemed just right. Sonny has really become delusional. I usually don't pay much attention to Michael, but he portrayed going between Kristina and Jossly/Dex well, I thought.

Looking forward to Alexis being an attorney again.

Have watched several days in a row, which has been unusual for me this past year. My very favorite characters weren't on, but I thought the writing and the acting were good.

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