General Hospital Message Board


Grief messes people up and reactions cannot be predicted

From: Summer Find all posts by Summer Send private message to Summer
Date: Wed, 22-May-2024 7:49:14 PM PDT
Where: General Hospital Message Board
In topic: ****Week of May 20th Spoiler HP**** posted by RehvengeIsSweet
In reply to: Ooo. I forgot about that. And Maxie gave Lucky drugs in exchange for sex. posted by Antwon
But I think Liz's reaction is totally in character based on her past experiences.

Finn had a drink before his dad passed and, as an addict, I think it's also in character for him to venture that direction.

Chase might be helpful in this situation...but his grief will also have an impact.

Liz making Violet's well-being a priority is the right thing to do

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