General Hospital Message Board


Sam sweetie, you wasted your time and your breath. That heifer is never

From: Antwon Find all posts by Antwon View Antwon's profile Send private message to Antwon
Date: Tue, 18-Jun-2024 1:18:38 PM PDT
Where: General Hospital Message Board
In reply to: ****Week of June 17th Spoiler HP**** posted by RehvengeIsSweet
going to go against Jason! Even if you appeal to her mother to mother. You'd sooner have birds fly out of your arse. I will say that Carly definitely had some valid points. Jason is who he is and she was cognizant of that. But Carly was dead wrong that Sam doesn't get to change her mind now to keep her son safe. As the mother--she does have that right--especially since her son clearly worships his father and wants to emulate him.

There is a huge difference in Jason coming over to see Danny in a controlled environment vs him going to his job or other places. Jason's children are easy targets for his enemies. They can be kidnapped, injured, held for ransom or killed because of him. I mean, it could be something innocent like taking Danny for ice cream and a rival mobster shoots at Jason and hits Danny. That is a real possibility.

I'm glad she threw Morgan in her face. Carly knows what it feels like to lose a child to mob violence. Hell, Michael was shot in the head as a child for standing near his father. Yet, she remained a mob moll and even had two more kids with Phony Soprano. Jason could slice her with a rusty razor and she would rationalize it because she trusts him and she's sure he had a GOOD reason to do so! Idiot.

For what it's worth. I don't think Sam is trying to punish Jason at all. Her fears about Danny are valid and she has expressed them from the moment he returned from the dead. And he was wrong to encourage him to lie to his mother. That's parenting 101.

I think I heard an anvil today. Danny's going to get hurt.

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