General Hospital Message Board


I loved the Finn/Violet scenes; got to me too. When Finn touched his

From: ladfan Find all posts by ladfan Send private message to ladfan
Date: Thu, 27-Jun-2024 3:58:20 PM PDT
Where: General Hospital Message Board
In topic: ****Week of June 24th Spoiler HP**** posted by RehvengeIsSweet
In reply to: The Finn/Violet scenes really got to me. Beautifully done, but I'm disappointed posted by Antwon
Head and heart to indicate where he is sick, I just about cried. Violet asking if people will be nice to him at the rehab,sigh. They are the best father/daughter duo on the show. I would rather Hayden show up and take Violet with her or Finn comeback and take her away, even if it is off-screen. The only way Finn would stay away from Violet is if he is dead.

I agree it was too isolated. I would have loved to see him with Alexis. Also a scene with Elizabeth and apologize to her.

Icam about Sam. Preach it Dante! I hope Sam has seen the light and stays out of trouble.

[Edited by ladfan on Thu, 27-Jun-2024 3:59:50 PM PDT]
[Edited by ladfan on Thu, 27-Jun-2024 4:02:19 PM PDT]
[Edited by ladfan on Thu, 27-Jun-2024 4:02:37 PM PDT]
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