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Sonny and Kate – August 13, 2008, to August 18, 2008

From: Banafsheh Find all posts by Banafsheh Send private message to Banafsheh
Date: Tue, 13-Aug-2024 3:58:32 PM PDT
Where: General Hospital Message Board
These scenes were the next set of scenes suggesting the possibility of future stories to come.

There was a conversation with Trevor. Trevor was Ric’s dad (Ric being Sonny’s brother). Trevor was also Sonny’s stepfather when Sonny was a child. Many years ago, Trevor offered a choice to Adela (Adela being Sonny’s mother). The choice was that Adela could have a life with Trevor and Ric, but she would have to give Sonny up. Adela chose to keep Sonny and hence she had to give up Ric to Trevor instead.

A while after Kate entered Port Charles in 2007, it was revealed that Kate had an affair with Trevor during the early years of her career. That Trevor had opened some doors for Kate.

However, from the beginning, there was this possibility in the space of the story that there could have been more to Kate and Trevor’s relationship hinting to existence of a secret in Kate’s past.

In scenes that aired on August 13, 2008, there were hints that this may be explored in the coming months.

Some of Trevor’s dialogue in this episode was as follows:

“Ahh Katie, we had some wonderful times. I introduced you to everybody that you needed to know. All those weekends at the Hamptons. I even bought you that apartment on the upper east side. You loved being taken care of. You loved being kept. And you loved being mine.”

There was a certain dynamic in those scenes among these three characters (Kate, Sonny, and Trevor). A dynamic that could have been a foreshadowing of a future story.

Further, the dialogue above will have importance later on during the December of 2008.

During this time period, there was more conflict in relation to Sonny’s dealings with Karpov and Jason.

There was also conflict among Kate, Carly, and Jax, as Kate was trying to protect her relationship with Jax for the benefit of Crimson, the fashion magazine Kate and Jax were working on together.

Another important element of these scenes was the mention of Olivia by Kate. The name had come up a few months back in March of that year when Kate whispered Olivia’s name while Kate was in the hospital. The storyline was dismissed by the writing team at the time. However, on August 14, 2008, Kate mentioned Olivia to Maxie. It turned out that Olivia was Kate’s cousin.

The character of Olivia would arrive in Port Charles in September of that year leading to a turning point in the story of Sonny and Kate.

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