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Sonny and Kate – August 28, 2008, to September 2, 2008

From: Banafsheh Find all posts by Banafsheh Send private message to Banafsheh
Date: Wed, 28-Aug-2024 5:46:41 PM PDT
Where: General Hospital Message Board
Sonny and Kate – August 28, 2008, to September 2, 2008


Sonny takes Kate to the Island

In the previous episode, Sonny and Kate were discussing the best approach to prevent Carly from causing problems for their relationship.

In the next episode (with Sonny and Kate) there was no indication of this friction. This was not the only instance where a plot point was left unaddressed. Was this a tactic to elicit a response from some particular fans?

August 28, 2008

Sonny said to Kate that he wanted to take Kate away so that they could have some time together away from the busyness of their lives in Port Charles. Kate insisted that she would only want to go if the destination would be Sonny’s Island.

Sonny wondered why Kate would want to go there given the history that existed.

In this episode, it was revealed that Sonny also knew Olivia back in Bensonhurst. Not only did he know Olivia, but he may have actually dated her all those years ago back in Bensonhurst. One could extrapolate that Olivia may have been the Bensonhurst version of Carly and that Kate (Connie) and Olivia were in competition together when they were in Bensonhurst.

Sonny said that he believed that Kate wanted to go to the island because she was in competition, in particular with Carly.

Kate expressed that she wanted to have a memory with Sonny in the island so that they could leave the memories that Sonny had there with Carly behind.

Sonny agreed to take Kate to the island.

August 29, 2008, to September 2, 2008

A couple of plot points were written in these episodes that emphasized that there may have been trust issues in Sonny and Kate’s relationship.

The first plot point was when Kate believed that Sonny had rigged the tables when they were gambling at the island. These scenes were written and portrayed with a sense of humor.

The main issue here was that Kate suspected that Sonny had repeated similar experiences with women with whom he had become involved in the past.

The next plot point, however, was a source of concern.

Kate began to notice how Carly’s touch was all over the place in the island and the competitive side of her emerged. When Sonny mentioned that one of his favorite things to do at the island was to go for a swim, Kate reminded him that she could not swim.

There was a context against which these scenes were written and portrayed. Sonny seemed to know that Kate was insecure about her inability to swim. These few moments of story may have been a foreshadowing to what was going to be written for the November story of that year. The story where Carly dived into the water and saved Sonny from drowning.

This then led to Karpov being killed and Karpov’s murder was one of the central themes of the November storyline. A mob war ensued after this murder. However, the main source of concern was the ambiguity that existed in that story leading to the question: who killed Karpov?

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