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Sonny and Kate – September 18, 2008, to September 19, 2008

From: Banafsheh Find all posts by Banafsheh Send private message to Banafsheh
Date: Thu, 19-Sep-2024 8:27:01 PM PDT
Where: General Hospital Message Board
Sonny and Kate – September 18, 2008, to September 19, 2008

Sonny and Kate were preparing for their wedding. Kate was working on a seating chart for the reception ceremony, and she wanted Sonny to help her.

Sonny said: “You know what. Looking at that chart just makes my skin crawl.”

In the next few months of story that year, this was one line of dialogue that could be interpreted in at least two ways. One was the perspective that the story was unfolding from present to the future. The other was that the story was providing hints from the future. That the future was being written in the present.

This line of dialogue was one element that would contribute to the ambiguity of the Thanksgiving story that year.

As Sonny and Kate were discussing the wedding and the seating chart, Sonny mentioned that it was strange that Jason was not attending the wedding. That they were like brothers and that the situation just demonstrated how much things had changed.

Sonny then asked about Kate and her connection to her family.

Kate expressed her estrangement from her family and recalled her last Thanksgiving with her family in Bensonhurst. In that gathering, Kate (or Connie) realized that she had to continue to hide her background if she wanted to thrive in the fashion industry. Therefore, the year after, she celebrated Thanksgiving alone having a turkey sandwich.

Sonny then said: “Whatever you want to do this Thanksgiving, I will give it to you.”
And later in that scene he said: “Looks like it’s you, me, and Mike having mac and cheese at Kelly’s”.

Kate said: “What are you talking about Mr. cook?”

Sonny said: “Mika and I we cooked this huge pig once and it almost went to blows so you don’t want to go there.”

Kate said: “It doesn’t sound pretty.”

In the 90s, a story was written on General Hospital around the character of Stone.

Stone was a young man who lived on the streets and Sonny helped him and supported him. However, Stone was infected with HIV while using drugs. Around Thanksgiving of that year (in the 90s), Sonny and Robin (and perhaps also Brenda) decided to celebrate Christmas on Thanksgiving so that Stone would have a last memory of the holiday.

Was the conversation between Sonny and Kate mentioned above a reference to the story of Stone?

When Sonny ended his dealings with Karpov after Sonny found out Karpov worked with drugs also a reference to the story of Stone?

What was the purpose of writing in that story in the story of Sonny and Kate?

There is another fundamental question. Was the story written in the 90s around the character of Stone just an ordinary process of generating story or was there another intention behind that tale?

There is an interpretation that the story of Stone was written to end the practice of stoning in the Middle East. Is it possible that someone was planting the seeds of change early on at that time?

There could also be the problem of ambiguity in this question as to what the motivation was in writing this story? Was it well-intended or could it have contributed to a tragic situation in the future?

As events of Thanksgiving in 2008 unfolded, the answers to these questions would become essential.

In the religion of Islam, the practice of stoning was implemented when a married woman committed adultery.

There was this rumor around late September of 2008 that the on screen story of a couple had turned into a “full fledged dangerous liaisons”. Could this have been referring to the story of Sonny and Kate and its connection to the story of Stone?

At that time, I took the story at face value and I believed it was just a story. I wrote on an online message board that there may have been a plan to write a story where Kate would become blind temporarily. It was a dark era in my life and I imagined the darkest possibilities.

Years later, when I reviewed the story over and over again, I had this idea that when a deep and fundamental truth was to be revealed there could be a war or there could be a situation where a woman could have been stoned. Another dark possibility but one that still pops up in my mind when I witness the events of this world unfolding.

After Sonny and Kate completed their conversation, Sonny went to Bensonhurst to meet with Olivia, Kate’s cousin. Sonny wanted to help Kate reconnect with her past, so he had decided to invite Olivia to the wedding.

When in Bensonhurst, Sonny met with people from his past and there was a line of dialogue:

“Sometimes when you find the right woman at the right time, it changes your life.”

In my mind there was this question: was this referring to Kate or to Olivia? Which woman was strong enough to stand for Sonny to change the direction of his life?

The question appeared to me as the man Sonny was speaking with in Bensonhurst seemed to have avoided the mob and married a woman and stayed in Bensonhurst. This was what Sonny and Connie could have had but they didn’t because Connie chose not to run a way with Sonny. Hence, Sonny stayed in the mob. Therefore, Connie could not have had that effect on Sonny’s life. At least not when they were teenagers.

During that time, my mind dwelled in a dark place, and I felt that the writing was going to a direction to portray Kate as a weak woman. But I did not speak up even though I was an “onliner” on an online message board where the story was discussed. The message board where the many interpretations of the story would be discussed in the months to come.

Was it these discussions and interpretations that determined the direction of the story? If so, why was this the case?

The episode ended with Sonny’s first scene with Olivia with Olivia saying: “You looking for someone? Maybe it’s me.”

There was information being leaked indicating that Olivia had Sonny’s son those many years back in Bensonhurst. A son named Dante.

How would this secret be revealed to Sonny? Would it be Kate who would reveal it or would it be Olivia? Was this significant?

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