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Sonny and Kate – October 1, 2008, to October 3, 2008

From: Banafsheh Find all posts by Banafsheh Send private message to Banafsheh
Date: Tue, 01-Oct-2024 6:42:24 PM PDT
Where: General Hospital Message Board
Sonny and Kate – October 1, 2008, to October 3, 2008

There were two possibilities about Kate’s shooting.

The first was that Anthony Zachara shot Kate to create conflict between Sonny and Jason. That Kate was shot in the solar plexus area, an indicator of identity, would suggest that Kate’s choices would be an element in this situation. This is what was suggested on screen.

The second possibility was that Karpov had Kate shot because Sonny ended his dealings with him. This was what Sonny believed and this was what affected his next steps in the story.

Which tale was true? This had implications for what the characters took away from the story.

In the next few weeks and months, Olivia entered the conversation in regard to Sonny and Kate’s relationship. Olivia stated that Sonny was in denial about the dangers of his life, and this had put Kate in danger. In previous months of story, the theme was that Kate knew who Sonny really was because she knew him as a teenager. When Olivia entered the story, the same character trait was attributed to her, except that her perception differed from that of Kate. Olivia believed that Kate was not willing to acknowledge Sonny’s dark side.

Where Sonny was in the story was that he wanted to avenge Kate’s shooting because he thought that if he didn’t then he would leave himself and those close to him vulnerable. He thought that Kate’s shooting happened because he did not retaliate when Michael got shot months ago.

As Sonny was out of the organization, he turned to Jason. But Jason refused Sonny’s request.

The writing suggested that Olivia became protective of Kate and began making decisions about her treatment and surgery. Not only that, what was playing on the screen was that Olivia was trying to protect Kate from Sonny’s life.

There was a possibility that Kate could become paralyzed if the surgery was postponed. This was after I stated on the Sonny and Kate message board that a story possibility was for Kate to become temporarily blind. Different story points but the same situation where Kate would lose her independence and could endure humiliation.

Kate survived the surgery, and she didn’t become paralyzed.

Sonny, however, was determined to take revenge for her shooting.

In the middle of this conflict, a secret was revealed on screen, by Kate to Patrick, that Olivia had Sonny’s baby. A son named Dante.

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