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I knew Lucky would not be able to save Lulu! But notice Liz said he's not viable

From: Antwon Find all posts by Antwon View Antwon's profile Send private message to Antwon
Date: Mon, 07-Oct-2024 3:27:12 PM PDT
Where: General Hospital Message Board
In reply to: ****Week of October 7th Spoiler HP**** posted by RehvengeIsSweet
to be a donor. Me thinks something disqualifies Lucky. But we shall see. The scenes with Aiden are the first time I felt ANYTHING since Lucky made his triumphant return. We even got the signature JJ tear. That man is a beautiful crier and always has been. To this day I remember his glassy-eyes when Liz was raped. He turned to Luke and he started to well-up and then slowly the tears started. He's a subtle crier. I always preferred those to the histrionics. Not that there isn't a time for that like when Laura learned Lucky was dead and started pounding the pier. I am liking NuNuNuAiden more and more. Great recast. And I'll say again, either Charlotte or Sam will save Lulu.

Holly/Felicia. Don't care. I wish Holly would leave. That screen time should be given to someone else. And Felicia continues to irk me. "You just let me handle Mac." ******mit Felicia. Let that man look out for his brother. Just because you want to welcome Felicia with open arms, doesn't mean that Mac needs to. Please give her a damn story so that she can stop sticking her nose in other folks bizness!!!

Spoilers say that BLQ and Chase get a shock this week. I wonder if she is preggers.

JoJo (Violet) is so talented. I just love her. I do wonder what is going happen with Finn. His last airdate was June 27. I know soaps have their own timeline but the 90 days still has to be around the corner. I would think recast or death. No way would he leave Violet--especially since Hayden did. He would not purposely abandon his daughter.

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