General Hospital Message Board


Raise your hand if you heard the anvil today!

From: Antwon Find all posts by Antwon View Antwon's profile Send private message to Antwon
Date: Tue, 08-Oct-2024 6:41:27 PM PDT
Where: General Hospital Message Board
In reply to: ****Week of October 7th Spoiler HP**** posted by RehvengeIsSweet
Dante told Rocco that it doesn't have to be a family member and three seconds later, the camera panned to Sam. Her death will give Lulu life. I kept saying it would be Sam or Charlotte. For a moment, I was thinking a curveball like Cyrus. After today, I'm certain it's Sam!

So let me get this straight. Lucky is devastated that he can't save his sister. I get that. Does he go to a gym to punch a bag? Nope. Does he call up Isaiah, Lucas, Michael, Jason, hell, even Sonny to grab a drink? Nope. He goes to his favorite aunt's diner--starts screaming and then proceeds to vandalize the place. I guess this is the "more like Luke part." 😤

Jason/Anna/Jughead, I mean Jack scenes. I FF that $hit.

Today, Carly epitomized: If get me your manager was a person vibes. Bitch STFU! You played fast and loose with paternity results THREE TIMES. If Lucas isn't bothered about Brad being back at GH--sit your insider trading arse down and run the hotel your bestie bought back for you. I hate her.

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