General Hospital Message Board


Speaking of unfortunate, carlys outfit is fug, as is her judgement.

From: ladfan Find all posts by ladfan Send private message to ladfan
Date: Thu, 10-Oct-2024 4:43:01 PM PDT
Where: General Hospital Message Board
In topic: ****Week of October 7th Spoiler HP**** posted by RehvengeIsSweet
In reply to: Diane's wig and Krustina's jeans are unfortunate and other thoughts! posted by Antwon
This is why I say that Carly is a dumb bint. You are in jeopardy of everything blowing up in your face...again and now you ask questions and weigh things like Donna that you should have BEFORE your dumb ass agreed to be Sonny's alibi. And then Sonny gives you an out and you decide to stay? Yeah. She's a dumb bint. Sonny murdered someone. He's a criminal. She should have said no when he asked her. "Sonny. I love you. We will always be connected but Donna is my priority. No. I cannot be your alibi."

She is dumb to support sonny. And Sonny is a selfish coward.

Anna is a good one to let a civilian just barge into her office. Michael would have gotten his sanctimonious ass tossed out on his ear. And what was with that glare he shot Anna? You son of a bitch--you have broken the law. Anna didn't go pick up Krustina. She went to her voluntarily. I can't wait for this to all come out. Even if Mikey doesn't get charged, this is going to push Willow away and she's gong to land right on Drew's wiener. 😂

I just can't with either k or Michael. I hope he walks in on Drillow.

"I can't do this to my boys. But I can't leave Sonny." I hope Jason stopped at Walgreens to get some lube because Sonny is going to wear that ass out later--as Jason grabs his ankles. How's that for a visual?

He isa waste of oxygen and they will kill Danny's one good parent. Screw you Jason.

It is hilarious to me that Martin has to explain this to Alexis like she's a first year law student. WTF?!

She has lost all her brain cells.

Double Jeopardy question of the day: Who found the gun and called in the threat?

A. Sam - Why would she need the smoke & mirrors?
B. Blockhead (Jack) to impress Cujo
C. Someone else

I'll take B for $1000 Alex!

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