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Thoughts on today's show: "I knew dad would come through!"

From: Antwon Find all posts by Antwon View Antwon's profile Send private message to Antwon
Date: Mon, 14-Oct-2024 3:46:18 PM PDT
Where: General Hospital Message Board
In reply to: ****Week of October 14th Spoiler HP**** posted by RehvengeIsSweet
Um, Mikey--how exactly did your daddy come through? The plan was to confess. He did not confess. Alexis was freed based on a guardian angel dramatically dropping off the missing gun. So take every seat in Grand Central Station punk!

PCPD Dumbness: So you mean to tell me that the police commissioner and the prosecutor are going to stand in the middle of the PCPD and answer a lawyer's questions? In front of a suspect no less? I call BS on that. Anna told Martin to move to her office and he refused and demanded to be answered right there and Anna complied? What in the actually fuq was that nonsense? I guess it was all designed so that Dante wouldn't have to betray his badge 🙄 Just last week, Martin was preaching throwing Sonny to the wolves to save Alexis and today he purposely blurted out intel that he had to know would clue Sonny in that things had shifted for Alexis. This show I tell ya!

And then you have Ric spilling his plan of action to Curtis--the father of one of Heather's intended targets. Just craziness abound today.

The only thing I enjoyed today was Brad turning the tables on Portia. Perry was so great in those scenes.

I still think something is going to go wrong with Lulu's match. But we shall see.

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