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Thoughts on today's show. I'm confused 🤔

From: Antwon Find all posts by Antwon View Antwon's profile Send private message to Antwon
Date: Wed, 23-Oct-2024 5:58:31 PM PDT
Where: General Hospital Message Board
In reply to: Week of October 21st Spoiler HP: We're back! posted by Antwon
Why was TJ so fired up over Heather's release? Is it because Brando was his friend? Trina is his cousin? It just wasn't clear to me. Look, as a Black man--I know all too well about racial injustice. I just feel like Portia has been playing that same record and it's scratched! I felt where she was coming from when Cam pulled the gun on Jason and the cops calmly talked him down and he was unharmed. If Cam were Black/Brown--that might have ended very differently. Anywho, serial killer or not, Heather has rights. That's how the judicial system works. If it was proven beyond a doubt that the hip/cobalt levels caused her behavior sucktacular as it is--a judge has the power to vacate her sentence.

I enjoyed Molly and Ric's scenes. They have great father/daughter chemistry. And praise Jebus! Another Carly/Krustina free day! Heather's reintroduction as a free citizen is going to be ROUGH. Looks like Curtis and Portia are going to try to run her out of town. How far will they go? There isn't really much they can do. Protest/petition. And why does it matter if Heather or Ric plan on suing the manufacture? Heather SHOULD get compensation on being poisoned by their product. That's for a jury to decide.

What's up with Trina being so scared? That apartment is on the Q property. There should be security or you know--talk to Tracy/Monica/Olivia about and extra guard or for the guards to walk near the apartment. How about install a home alarm up there with a panic button? This ain't rocket science people.

Holly/Sonny = FF those diamonds were ugly. They looked like rocks lol.

Have TJ/Lucas not met before? Come on! All the times he's been back and both of them on staff at GH--they must have! And I call foul on Lucas getting permission to be part of the surgery for his sister. Why would he ever want to do that? I can't believe that Terry/Portia would allow it. Oh well.

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