General Hospital Message Board


Honestly I hope you are right ….. spoiler

From: Paj_Staying4Becky Find all posts by Paj_Staying4Becky Send private message to Paj_Staying4Becky
Date: Thu, 24-Oct-2024 8:49:18 PM PDT
Where: General Hospital Message Board
In topic: Week of October 21st Spoiler HP: We're back! posted by Antwon
In reply to: After today I feel it is strange that Steven Lars is in town and Heather is posted by Sparky
free from jail at the very time this transplant surgery is happening... and we know Sidwell is in the US and mad that Holly stole his gravel (it looks like gravel).... and we all know someone already tried to kill Lulu once by messing with the equipment keeping her alive...

I feel like there are twists and turns coming and maybe Sam dies before the surgery even starts...

I would rather that than the tragedy of Lucas thinking he killed his sister. It’s too much. He just got back, we are getting to know him. He’s kinda fun and I don’t want to see him be another mopey man pain dude already :(

If she is killed before, Sam’s intent to give the gift still stands.

Though I fear it will be from the surgery. They keep saying “it’s the easy part!” (Which, uh it’s really not) and that felt anvilish to me.

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