General Hospital Message Board


We've gotten better, but we're going to backslide if ya ignore pertinent details

From: Antwon Find all posts by Antwon View Antwon's profile Send private message to Antwon
Date: Fri, 06-Dec-2024 7:25:50 PM PST
Where: General Hospital Message Board
In topic: ****Week of December 2nd Spoiler HP***** posted by RehvengeIsSweet
In reply to: Re: Thoughts on today's show: Justice was served! posted by jeffb_FriscoSonnyFan
I don't blame Sonny at all. He took her In to protect her and started trusting her and in return she fkd with his meds, making him unstable around their daughter. Effectively putting her needs above her daughters needs. We won't agree on this obviously, but on this I don't blame him for hating Ava. But I agree, there's an agreement in place. And I was hoping he'd agree to let Avery spend the weekend with Ava. When was the last time we saw Avery? She's barely even mentioned and Ava doesn't seem too worried about her. I hate that it looks to me that Sonny is feeding into Kristina's need to revenge. That's the last thing she needs right now. I still think she'll eventually be diagnosed as bipolar.

Sonny can hate Ava all he wants. That's his prerogative. He doesn't get to use their daughter as a weapon to punish her, when they have joint custody. He's breaking the law. Let's not forget that he threw Ava out and started withholding Avery after he learned that she was the one who leaked the recording of Natalia and blew the whistle on Alexis.

This man murdered an FBI agent in cold blood, lied about it, and has gotten away with it--but Avery needs to be shielded from Ava? Dude is a career criminal, with a list of enemies as long as a football field.

I agree with you that she was wrong to mess with his meds and stupid to do so with her daughter in the home. Ava is smarter than that. Sonny doesn't know about that though. Jason never told him. He only told him about Valentin. He did not mention anything about Ava changing the 25% to 0%. I'm certain of it.

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