Jason could very well give this info to Sonny to use against Ava in the custody case or to force her to comply. But in doing so, he risks Sonny's wrath and enduring him shouting: "You betrayed me" at nauseum. And make no mistake--it is a betrayal. I'm not so sure Jason will risk unraveling their bromance again. That is to say nothing about Carly's head exploding that her BFF kept this from her, when Carly accused Ava from the beginning. She went to Anna. That's what Anna was referring to in the clip I posted.
Not to mention the fact there is no proof Ava ordered 25% to 0%. It is her word against the pharmacist. Ava never paid the man--however, Valentin DID pay him. Either he paid him out of his own account, shell account, or Pikeman account. Valentin was running Pikeman at the time as Jack was in prison. Anna and Jason know that.
I honestly feel like Jason is going to let that sleeping dog lie.