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If Ava sold Wyndemere to a Developer who sold it to Sidwell, why

From: kll Find all posts by kll Send private message to kll
Date: Mon, 03-Feb-2025 3:22:04 PM PST
Where: General Hospital Message Board
In reply to: ****Week of February 3rd Spoiler HP***** posted by RehvengeIsSweet
doesn't she have the funds from the Wyndemere sale? I found it hard to believe that the Cassadine estate could simply drain Ava's account without a hearing or notice. Now we learn that they also took the money from the sale of Wyndemere, which Alexis said did not belong to the Cassadine estate any more.

The drama of Ava discovering she didn't even have enough money to pay for dinner -- and that all her accounts were drained without notice never sat well with me. It would have been equally dramatic if Ava was given notice it was going to happen and discovered she had to return all the Cassadine money except for the sale of Wyndemere. The cost of living in the hotel and eating room service would have gone through a lot of her money, but she would have enough left for a decent apartment and to pay her attorney.

Sometimes going for the "lost its all" makes the story less dramatic by being unbelievable. Having Ava learn that she had been spending money she didn't have and she would have to return the Cassadine money and could only hold onto the funds from the sale of Wyndemere would have been a huge blow. She had been blowing money living at the hotel, and would have to find a decent apartment and make reasonable payments to her attorney (she still a job) would have been a major blow.

What sounds the most dramatic isn't if it doesn't make sense.

Karen L.

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