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Carly is loud mouthed and I loved every bit of it today. LOL! I do wish she

From: Paj_Staying4Becky Find all posts by Paj_Staying4Becky Send private message to Paj_Staying4Becky
Date: Tue, 04-Feb-2025 6:47:19 PM PST
Where: General Hospital Message Board
In topic: ****Week of February 3rd Spoiler HP***** posted by RehvengeIsSweet
In reply to: Thoughts on today's show: Carly is a boorish, loudmouthed, piece of garbage! posted by Antwon
would not take the bait for once and tell Drewche “I don’t GAF about Jason and single Sasha, we are talking about you” and then keep going.

The fact that she is co-owner of the MC and making such a scene is shameful. Just trash! In this day and age of social media, someone should film her @ss and make it go viral. Drew is disgusting but that doesn't excuse Carly for acting this way in the middle of her restaurant. And what she does--reflects upon Olivia (co-owner). And thanks to Cody's blabbermouth--now Drew has told a room full of people an untruth. I hope he tells Sasha tomorrow that it was Cody who told him.

I hope it does go viral. Congressmen Drewche deserves it.

Welcome Chris McKenna 🔥He's aging like a fine wine. And as I suspected--no accent. I think it's for the best. I already like Jack way better. That being said, his thought process here is perplexing. He clearly has feelings for Carly, so why point her entitled daughter at a serial killer? Is he planning on swooping in and rescuing Joss? Doubtful. The screaming banshee is going to blow a gasket when she finds out. [link]

I didn’t particularly care for the other actor. This guy was enjoyable and nice on the eyes 🔥

I’m guessing he’s sussing out Joss for recruitment into the WSB. Angst for any Brarly (Jackarly?).

Speaking of Carly Jr. did you hear what she said to Anna: "You must have me confused with someone who works for you!" The audaci-teeeee! This is why I hate the slant on this show. Anna should have checked the hell out of Joss and put her back in her place. "Oh sweetheart, it is not I that is confused here. It is you, because you are not a member of law enforcement. You are a citizen and I will not hesitate to have you arrested if you interfere with an ongoing investigation. Is this in anyway unclear?"

Those were FF scenes for me lol.

Lucky and Liz - Sorry I am not at all interested in a L&L reunion. We all know JJ is eventually going to leave. I was glad Liz threw cold water on his tender moment.

I loved the scenes. JJ and BH just have it. And I was thrilled Liz reminded him she isn’t an angel, much less his. And their dance ?

My shaylaaaaaa.

Cody is freaking annoying now. You are so butt hurt over Sasha being your cousin--but you are totally fine besmirching her reputation by spreading her personal business and you are wrong! I'd be fine with Drew putting him into a choke hold until he passed out.

Yeah, another immediate FF for me.

Jordan/Isiah OTOH ? Yes, please.

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