General Hospital Message Board


Why is Lucky such a freaking child? Ric is there, just being a

From: The_Cat_Did_It Find all posts by The_Cat_Did_It View The_Cat_Did_It's profile Send private message to The_Cat_Did_It
Date: Wed, 05-Feb-2025 5:53:58 PM PST
Where: General Hospital Message Board
In reply to: ****Week of February 3rd Spoiler HP***** posted by RehvengeIsSweet
grown@$$ adult man, and Lucky is acting like they're 13 year old boys in a p!ssing contest. I can't with this nasty-haired child. Please, Liz has already raised 3 boys, don't saddle her with this one again.

Did Lucas really ask Carly if she could be with a man who didn't tell the truth? I'm sorry but has he MET his sister? She doesn't tell the truth 90% of the time! Not to mention all the men she's chosen in the past, none of them were exactly the honest type. That was a dumb scene.

Line of the day goes to Lucy, about wishing Drew's whole head was on fire. Don't we all.

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