General Hospital Message Board


This 🤬 show!

From: Antwon Find all posts by Antwon View Antwon's profile Send private message to Antwon
Date: Wed, 26-Feb-2025 5:21:57 PM PST
Where: General Hospital Message Board
In reply to: ****Week of February 24th Spoiler HP**** posted by RehvengeIsSweet
Since when does law enforcement discuss pertinent details about a criminal case? ADA Turner did it yesterday with Joss. Anna and ADA Turner did the same thing today with Carly. WTF?! It's absurd. Right on cue, Carly is screeching about Jason--also known as any day that ends in "Y." Speaking of Carly, her coat is FUGLY. I mean she looks like a funeral director 🤣

Like I said the other day, this Joss becomes a spy stuff is crap on a cracker. I don't care about the WSB and don't want to see this unnecessary story. If Joss truly wanted to honor Dex--wouldn't it have made more sense for her to enroll in the PCPD? I'd much rather see her be a cop than join WSB.

I think we now know how Drew gets ousted from Congress. It will be revealed that he lied to law enforcement about his enforcer brother. 🥱 Carly asking Willow if she was okay with it was beyond stupid. What exactly could Willow do? She wasn't even there. My LOD goes to Carly when Willow told her she could be Jason's alibi: "No I can't Willow because I wasn't with him!" Like you weren't with Sonny? 👀

Really Tracy? Last time I checked, you can't revoke someone else's name change! She might have had a slim chance of stopping him prior--but not 8 months later!

Gio's paternity needs to come out already. The raining anvils has become ridiculous at this point.

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