IMO, it's been a rather boring month. None of the stories have pulled me in. I am not invested in anything because of poor execution. We had one of the best villains on GH killed off and the focus has shipped to "our hero" to quote head writer (needs to be fired) Elizabeth Korte. This writing regime had a perfect set up for two murder mysteries and they failed to capitalize on either:
Random chick he was blackmailing
Sidwell seems to have the makings of a good/formidable enemy. So we will see if that pans out.
I am no Drew fan but it's interesting to me the way he is being villainized and made to be public enemy #1 for sleeping with his nephew's wife and lying to his close friend. Now, his name is on everyone's lips as "must be stopped." Yet, gummy bear mobster Phony Soprano literally gunned down an unarmed man and walks around with his chest poked out. Laura and Sonny are suddenly good again, to the point where she is calling him to clandestine meetings to give him a heads up that a worse criminal than he is and a shady congressman are gunning from him. I half expected them all to put hands in and say: Gooooo team!
The show isn't messy good. It's just messy messy. Now after the progress he made with Portia, who is actually being nicer to him now--the little weasel turned on her out of fear of Selina. This is why I have never cared for Brad. I like the actor but the character is a sniveling punk.
I FF majority of Cody's scenes so my friend had to tell me of the 3rd retcon plot where he and BLQ discussed the fact that Cody has known about the pregnancy and adoption all of this time. For those who don't remember, when Cody made his debut at the pool, Dante introduced him to BLQ and she introduced herself to him. Since then the story is now:
1. Cody/BLQ/Dante grew up together and went to summer camp.
2. Dante/BLQ hooked up, she got pregnant, and gave the baby up.
3. Cody knows about all of it.
I am not interested in Lucky and Elizabeth reunion because JJ is going to leave again eventually so there is no point. I think Liz needs to have her head examined for even allowing herself to be sucked back in. He's going to break her heart--again.
Josslyn Jax as Sydney Bristol is absurd. I would much rather have seen Jack edge Anna out as police commissioner. The better story here would be Joss entering into the PCPD. Think of all the trouble she would find as a rookie. The possibilities are endless.