shifts when she was an RN. That's why Cam got a job and funny thing is--there has never been a mention of Lucky sending money the last 10 years. I would like to think that he would have at least done that for Aiden. With the exception of her time with Franco--Liz has been supporting three kids on her own. Does Jason even give her child support for Jake?
With Ava--you could be right. I'd rather not see her back in the mob though. I just wish my theory pans out and Kristina harms Ava in her attempt to get her pound of flesh. Ava says she won't press charges if Alexis returns her divorce settlement. Or, same story but Ava opts not to press charges on her own and Alexis does it as a show of gratitude. I still get pissed when I think of her bank allowing her funds to be taken 2 years after her settlement. I believe it was you who pointed out that divorce settlements involve a judge and of course lawyers. Ava should have been protected by all of that. As the head of the Cassadine Estate--Nikolas was well within his right to use those funds how he wanted. He's been in control of the estate since he turned 18 for crying out loud!