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Results from the General Hospital message board
- Thanks! Looking forward to seeing Terry on GH again. EOM - Jo16 - 31-Mar-2025 3:22 PM
- He hasn’t worked too hard yet. Maybe that will change. EOM - Jo16 - 30-Mar-2025 1:58 PM
- Interesting idea you have. Kristina and Lucky could work. EOM - Jo16 - 30-Mar-2025 1:57 PM
- It seems as if Molly always has to be the bigger person when it comes to - Jo16 - 29-Mar-2025 2:02 PM
- Really liked her scenes with Lucas, Ric, and Lucky. She was even in today’s - Jo16 - 28-Mar-2025 4:48 PM
- We even have a Friday cliffhanger today. EOM - Jo16 - 28-Mar-2025 3:56 PM
- Wow! It gets worse. You're right. She does belong in Ferncliff EOM - Jo16 - 28-Mar-2025 3:54 PM
- I'm guessing she wAs an uninvited guest again. What is wrong with her? She - Jo16 - 28-Mar-2025 3:27 PM
- I am thankful for that. EOM - Jo16 - 28-Mar-2025 7:59 AM
- Perfect title/position for her. EOM - Jo16 - 27-Mar-2025 5:24 PM
- That custody story has gone on too long. Avery loves both parents, and - Jo16 - 27-Mar-2025 9:19 AM
- Maybe he washes his hair, and he isn't working with Kristina any longer. - Jo16 - 27-Mar-2025 9:13 AM
- That's true. EOM - Jo16 - 27-Mar-2025 9:12 AM
- That sounds interesting at least. I love Ric and Elizabeth, and even if they are - Jo16 - 27-Mar-2025 9:11 AM
- She is so unlikable and so is Kristina. Lulu makes me like Brook Lynn more and - Jo16 - 27-Mar-2025 9:08 AM
- Perfect summary. Would like to add one...Lulu-on too much. EOM - Jo16 - 27-Mar-2025 9:01 AM
- Love the names! EOM - Jo16 - 27-Mar-2025 8:56 AM
- Thanks! Wish they would keep Valentin on GH. EOM - Jo16 - 24-Mar-2025 6:34 PM
- Great! Thanks! EOM - Jo16 - 24-Mar-2025 6:04 PM
- Yes, it was Molly and TJ’s baby, and the major focus has been on Kristina. EOM - Jo16 - 23-Mar-2025 7:08 PM
- Yes, she is annoying. BLQ was a teenager, and Lois is saying the decision was - Jo16 - 22-Mar-2025 1:35 PM
- She does. So tired of her saying that Ava killed her baby when Kristina never - Jo16 - 22-Mar-2025 1:31 PM
- Yes, and it was an unappealing story when they did it with her, too. The - Jo16 - 20-Mar-2025 7:23 PM
- No idea what the point is, but it is an unappealing story. EOM - Jo16 - 20-Mar-2025 7:20 PM
- Disappointing. So much for independence. Jason would have been a better - Jo16 - 14-Mar-2025 12:59 PM
- I thought they would finally have Lucky's hair cleaned up by now. EOM - Jo16 - 14-Mar-2025 10:57 AM
- Of course, I agree 100% with this. EOM - Jo16 - 14-Mar-2025 10:56 AM
- Just read the Baby Helena reference. Very creative. I like that one, too. EOM - Jo16 - 14-Mar-2025 7:16 AM
- Some good scenes and interactions for Elizabeth this week-much - Jo16 - 14-Mar-2025 7:12 AM
- Still love to see Ric and Elizabeth scenes, and yesterday was a nice - Jo16 - 14-Mar-2025 7:10 AM
- I thought it was a nice gesture on Ric's part to bring the document to Casa - Jo16 - 14-Mar-2025 7:03 AM
- I liked the other Jack. Seemed to fit the character. EOM - Jo16 - 14-Mar-2025 6:59 AM
- I didn't realize she actually ended up taking Sidwell up on his offer. That is - Jo16 - 13-Mar-2025 6:04 AM
- The story would make more sense then, and it would probably be more interesting - Jo16 - 13-Mar-2025 6:01 AM
- Would love to have Scott back on GH. EOM - Jo16 - 12-Mar-2025 6:59 PM
- Willow and Kristina-a dynamic duo of illogical thinking. EOM - Jo16 - 12-Mar-2025 6:57 PM
- Not sure what type of logic Willow was using for that statement. EOM - Jo16 - 12-Mar-2025 6:51 PM
- I like your name idea-Lody. Perfect EOM - Jo16 - 10-Mar-2025 12:49 PM
- Valentin and Anna make a good couple. Why can't they be together on GH? EOM - Jo16 - 10-Mar-2025 12:48 PM
- Sounds good to me! EOM - Jo16 - 10-Mar-2025 12:47 PM
- So hoping GH isn't going with Lulu/Dante, but it looks as if they are - Jo16 - 10-Mar-2025 11:58 AM
- Lulu is irritating and unlikable-same description that I use for Drew. Emma - Jo16 - 10-Mar-2025 11:51 AM
- Glad to see Elizabeth. Hope it is longer than her random scene with Drew last - Jo16 - 10-Mar-2025 11:34 AM
- He is really something and not in a good way. EOM - Jo16 - 10-Mar-2025 11:33 AM
- Thanks! EOM - Jo16 - 10-Mar-2025 11:32 AM
- Her appearance was so brief. After her scenes with Cyrus, I was hoping for - Jo16 - 10-Mar-2025 11:31 AM
- Another irritating character. EOM - Jo16 - 06-Mar-2025 1:49 PM
- Carly was actually the voice of reason today with Lulu. She made some good - Jo16 - 06-Mar-2025 1:48 PM
- He has become unlikable. Thought there might have been a glimmer of - Jo16 - 06-Mar-2025 1:46 PM
- I thought they might go with Jason and Carly, but I thought incorrectly it seems EOM - Jo16 - 06-Mar-2025 1:45 PM
- That is strange. EOM - Jo16 - 04-Mar-2025 6:52 AM
- Thanks! Last month was a good one. Hope it continues. EOM - Jo16 - 04-Mar-2025 6:48 AM
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