The Sins of the Fathers

Written by Send Private Message Bray on 29-Dec-2002 12:57 PM [#261]:

Lucky tells then what Nik said.

Lucky returns to his table.

''Where's Elizabeth?'' Lucky asks Courtney

''She went to the restroom''

'' look like you've seen a ghost'' said Zander staring at Lucky's pale face

''ummm Courtney can I talk to Zander alone for a minute'' said Lucky looking like he was going to be sick.

''No way..whatever you have to say I wanna hear too'' said Courtney stubornly

''Alright but keep Elizabeth out of this, she has been through way to much to need this to worry about''

''worry about what?!?'' asked Zander impatiently

''Nikolas said the shooting was just the beginning and that we all have to watch our backs..someone wants something and they will stop at nothing to get it''.

''Oh my god!!! what do they want...could this be about what happened on New Years?''

''What about what happened on New Years?'' interrupted Liz

Lucky, Courtney and Zander stared up at her.
What happens next?
Courtney changes the subject
Liz demands that they tell her whats going on

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